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The Unexpected Journey

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I'm anxious for details on the ferris wheel.  Each time you post a photo, seats are in different configurations.  How does it work?

Part of the ferris wheel gondolas are fixed (every 3rd one) and part are on rails. Those on rails start out at the outer edge when loading at the bottom. As the wheel turns, the gondolas glide on the rails - often swinging back and forth. When near the top, they are closest to the wheel's hub. Then they glide back towards the outside when they get back to the bottom.

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If the site was up last week, you might have noticed I have been absent.   The reason for the absence would be our last minute decision to take a trip.   I normally do not do trip reports because my l

DISCLAIMER: I suck at responding to every response. I can never remember the max number of quote blocks and I loose track of who I responded to and all that. So Im not gonna pretend. Lets just say tha

One thing to note, and a major difference between DL and WDW, is that all of the ride queues are outside. Once you walk through the doors of the attraction, you are boarding the ride.     So who guess

According to Wikipedia:


Mickey's Fun Wheel - Mickey's Fun Wheel is an eccentric wheel, differing from conventional Ferris wheels in that 16 of its 24 gondolas ride on interior rails so that they slide inward and outward as the wheel rotates.  This results in a more intense experience, and motion sickness bags are provided in each gondola due to the disorienting nature of the ride. The other eight gondolas are fixed to the rim of the wheel and do not slide. Guests may choose to ride in sliding or fixed gondolas, each of which can carry six people.


Motion sickness bags??  Sounds fun.

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They found a way to make TT more interesting....cool concept.  I wonder if they will shut it down at some point though to remove all the Cars theming and just put in some neon? 

I liked this ride way better than TT (both new and old)



I'm anxious for details on the ferris wheel.  Each time you post a photo, seats are in different configurations.  How does it work?

Your answer is below in a couple of different posts. We did end up riding it so don't get too far ahead.



The Cars ride looks pretty cool.

Someday I will get out to Cali and we will ride it.

Not anytime soon though so I am really enjoying your TR.

Thanks, you just need to go and get it over with.



The Ferris wheel has some cars that are stationary and some that are in a track that move in and out as you go around.



Part of the ferris wheel gondolas are fixed (every 3rd one) and part are on rails. Those on rails start out at the outer edge when loading at the bottom. As the wheel turns, the gondolas glide on the rails - often swinging back and forth. When near the top, they are closest to the wheel's hub. Then they glide back towards the outside when they get back to the bottom.



According to Wikipedia:


Mickey's Fun Wheel - Mickey's Fun Wheel is an eccentric wheel, differing from conventional Ferris wheels in that 16 of its 24 gondolas ride on interior rails so that they slide inward and outward as the wheel rotates.  This results in a more intense experience, and motion sickness bags are provided in each gondola due to the disorienting nature of the ride. The other eight gondolas are fixed to the rim of the wheel and do not slide. Guests may choose to ride in sliding or fixed gondolas, each of which can carry six people.


Motion sickness bags??  Sounds fun.

Yes, people get sick on them all of the time. We do ride this, so I will save too much detail for later.



You couldn't pay me enough to go on the sliding cars. No way, no how. Looking at videos of them almost makes me sick.

We ride it later, so stay tuned for a review



Why on earth didn't they fix TT to be more like the DL ride?  That looks like much more fun than neon.

I agree.



The more I read this TR, the more I want to go to California. I wonder if it's always so empty. I bet it's crazy when school is out, but we get out in late May. I wonder if it's busy the first week of June when a lot of schools are still in.

The mornings probably wont be that bad. It seemed like noon was the busy time. All the locals would come for the afternoon and spend some time in the parks. The mornings were ok, as you have seen so far.



Sliding cars.... Fists Up!!!


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Another update....


We left off waiting in line for a show.


This show was recommended by everyone who heard we were going to DL.


It is the Aladdin Stage Show.


Its a stage show that takes you through the story of Aladdin.


It is an amazing show that I feel strongly should be here at WDW.








Yes, they fly through the theater during the show.


But what makes this show so amazing?


The Genie.


He adlibs his role and is hilarious.


He makes the show. And every show is different because he is allowed to do what he wants.


If you ever go to DL, you have to see this show.


Here is a taste. Of course this one is a little different than the one we saw, but you get the idea......






After the show, we grab some ice cream and park our keesters on a bench to enjoy and relax.


While eating our snack, we have some visitors come by




The squirrels are bad in California too 


We get another surprise while relaxing

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Thanks to everyone for your explanations of the ferris wheel.  I would most definitely need a barf bag.


That Aladdin show does look amazing!

They had em available for ya.



I would to see the Aladdin show.

It was great. I could watch it again.



I LOVE Aladdin!

The show was awesome. The video does not do it justice, you need to see it in person.



I am all for bringing some new shows to WDW. 


Love seeing all the things that you saw at DL that aren't at WDW.


Keep it coming Dave!

I was surprised at how different they are. Both have their good and bad points and each has something that should be at the other parks.



Fists Up is the www call to ride Dave

again, ???????



Punctuation is very important Nicki. I don't think Dave wants to be ridden every time someone's Fist goes up.

Glad it wasn't just me that thought this TR just took a wrong turn.

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Ok, who's ready yo move on?


We still have allot to see and do.


While enjoying our ice cream, one of those red trolley cars pulls up in front of us and stops.


The doors open, and out jumps people singing and dancing.




We had stumbled upon yet another show.


This one was a newsies type show and even used some of the songs from the Newsies.




My wife loves the Newsies, so we stayed to watch the show.




The show had a special guest that came out to do a number or two as well.










At the end of the show, they all get on the trolley and head off down the street.




After the show, we head off to the pier area.


We had been trying to walk around the are to take in all the sites, but were always distracted by something and never made it.


This time we will, or will we?


Remember the random shows?




We found yet another one.


This was a Phineas and Ferb dance party.




They drove up and the fireside girls showed up and they did dances to the music from the show.


The kids could run into the dance area and dance with them.


There were even kids dressed like the fireside girls.


It was similar to the MISICI parade, but with just two characters.


After the dance party, they drive off.






Now, there shouldn't be anymore distractions.


We make it to our destination.


That big icon you see in nearly every photo, Mickeys Fun Wheel.


We have already heard how it works, so I wont bore you with another explanation.


We get in line for the stationary gondolas.


There are two reasons for this.


The rolling gondolas wait time was 45 mins, the stationary wait was 10 mins.


Two, the wife is afraid of heights and did not want to go on the ferris wheel to begin with.


No complaints from me.


So we board our gondola.


The ride consists of three rotations of the wheel.


The first is stop and go while they load the entire wheel.


The second is a full non stop rotation.


The third is stop and go while unloading. So every gondola stops at the top twice.


This allowed for some pictures if the area.


This picture shows the close proximity of everything.




You can see space mountain. The hangar in front of space is Soarin. The mountain peak to the left is the Matterhorn. And the brown bldg. to the left of the picture is the Grand Californian.


The bldg. with the blue roof in front is the Little Mermaid ride.


A closer view




And here is carsland




You can see how close the surrounding bldgs. are to Disney property.


And here is California Screamin




The huge white thing is a convention center off of Disney property.


Next up, we meet up with some old friends.

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Ok, this post demonstrates why it is important to read slowly and pay attention.  I first read this sentence and missed the word I crossed out...


The show had a special guest that came out to do a number or two as well.







I swear you were saying that Mickey left mouse droppings on Main Street.   

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Ok, this post demonstrates why it is important to read slowly and pay attention.  I first read this sentence and missed the word I crossed out...




I swear you were saying that Mickey left mouse droppings on Main Street.   




He could have left a little something on the street. I thought it was just raisins.


But yes, you should slow down while reading.


Finaly caught up!  Really enjoying all the tips!  Thanks!



Finaly caught up!  Really enjoying all the tips!  Thanks!

So good you had to say it twice. thanks for reading along.



Hey!  It looked like this was a Mickey whose mouth worked!!  Did he talk? (or sing?)

Very good eye. I was originally going to mention that, but thought it would be more fun to see if anyone caught it.


Yes this was an articulate Mickey (eyes and mouth move). He did sing during the show.  

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Fists Up is the www call to ride Dave



Punctuation is very important Nicki. I don't think Dave wants to be ridden every time someone's Fist goes up.


  :bugeyes:  :dropjaw:




Must refrain from commenting further on this topic.


But, waiting to see if this turns up as a new tag for Nicki.   :rofl3:


Oh and still enjoying your report Dave!

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Whew, finally caught up!


Ok, so you're saying walk-on for TSM *and* Soarin? ???




"Honey! Go hook up the camper..."

Yes, walk on for both. There is a campground just around the corner from DL too.



  :bugeyes:  :dropjaw:




Must refrain from commenting further on this topic.


But, waiting to see if this turns up as a new tag for Nicki.   :rofl3:


Oh and still enjoying your report Dave!

Thanks for sticking around even though its taking a wrong turn.



I'm still enjoying too!

Im glad you enjoy the report.



Great trip so far.  Even if I could talk hubby into traveling that far with the trailer, staying a campground that is not Disney official would not give us our extra morning hour. :(

The extra magic hour is the key to all of our luck this trip. So without it, I don't feel you could get the same results. Of course, if you buy tickets that qualify for the extra magic (mentioned earlier in this report), you could still accomplish this.  

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