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Everything posted by Travisma

  1. the ones they had at Halloween by the campfire programs were pretty good for a theme park.
  2. I wonder if they had gotten, or were getting incentives from the state since they notified them of the job cuts?
  3. Must've been either those ones from New Orleans, or some French Canadians that snuck across the border!
  4. Yup no such thing as Global Warming... Gov. Scott must be correct, just look at Boston!
  5. Seconded. I don't like her either. She ranks right up there with Oprah as my least favorite TV people.
  6. No wonder they keep raising site prices. Good old fried bologna samiches aint good enough for the people that can now afford to stay at the Fort. They have to serve this Hoity-Toity stuff to make them city folks happy! Cowboy Sub - salami, ham and turkey on focaccia with tapanade, lettuce, tomato, garlic aioli and smoked provolone What's wrong with Wonder Bread and yellow mustard? Dang furiners. Next thing you know they'll be serving that Heinyken beer instead of good ol Miller! But to tell the truth that does sound like a good sandwich.
  7. I was waiting to get it since my bacon loving daughter and granddaughter were coming over for a few days visit, and they had been talking about it. They got here Monday afternoon, and my daughter announces she just started a diet that morning! Now I have to wait until they leave...
  8. Have any of the bacon lovers tried the Little Caesars Bacon Wrapped Deep Dish Pizza yet? 3 feet of bacon wrapped around every pie!
  9. Maybe they found an endangered cockroach colony and they are trying to find a new home for it!
  10. I'm not a tomato soup fan, but oddly my 9 year old granddaughter loves it. I'll have to get it for her next time we visit MK
  11. At least it looks like it's a full size sandwich for the price instead of that 1/2 a pineapple hotdog.
  12. yeah, that one went off the rails and got ugly real quick.
  13. I remember our first trip to the MK when they still had the ticket books. Used a ticket for the ride, and the porthole was so dirty (on the inside) I could barely see the displays.
  14. WHAT! No more cinnamon rolls? When did that happen. Next thing you know they will shut down 20000 Leagues Under the Sea!
  15. Playing devils advocate.... has anyone complained to the front desk that they are having issues with the cable TV? I know to a lot of people TV isn't that big a deal while they are at the Fort, and the ones that really want TV probably have a dish. When I used to work for the cable company, we didn't know if someone or an area was having problems unless customers called us. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some sort of remote monitoring on CATV now, like the power companies do, but we are talking the Fort here.
  16. I think the big thing on the other site is because his wife? posted about how they brought them to the Fort etc. etc., but then she listed their company name and website and that ticked off someone, and the name calling started. WHO CARES? Like you said he brought them for family and friends to use, Disney told him where to park his rig and people get upset because a picture showed his truck and company name on it.
  17. I feel bad because you had a very good post.
  18. Yeah, I know, but it's everything on cars nowadays. My fuel filter is in the gas tank. If I turn on the wipers, the power no longer goes from the switch to the motor maybe via a relay. It now goes to a computer cluster behind the dash which then sends it to another cluster out by the underhood fuse box/relay station and then it might go to the wiper motor. Lots more to break and a lot more expensive. I guess I'm lucky, my 2002 Ram was a stripped down version, has A/C and automatic transmission and not a lot else. At least no power accessories to break.
  19. How about snapping all of the extra bands together and make a choke collar?
  20. Maybe this has been covered, and I think I know the answer but I hope there is a better solution. Multiple Magic Bands showing up on site reservations, some linked to APs and some not. How do you differentiate when you want to add someone to your reservation? For example, my 1 adult daughter, she had a profile with Mrs Incredible icon which was pre AP.. Now she has one for her AP that is Alice. Names are the same on both profiles. When I went toad her to our res, her name populates, but you don't see the icon until after you add the name. I'm guessing I need to call for help to get
  21. I just want to apologize to h20divers.... Ray. He's the epitome of the American Dream and I didn't mean to come across that his post was upsetting. He's done things the right way, lived within his means and got ahead step by step. My rant is against greedy corporations (see above). Not that anyone isn't allowed to make $$ and get ahead.
  22. That's fantastic, and more power to you. But, companies even bigger ones used to care about the bottom line AND their employees. Everyone was able to make a living wage, and if you worked hard you got ahead, got raises and promotions. Then bean counters got involved, showered CEOs with praises, inflated their egos and showed how they could save $$ buy cutting benefits and shipping jobs overseas. The $$ they "saved" they pocketed and gave themselves bigger and bigger raises. We went from the leading industrialist nation in the world, a true superpower (not just militarily) and turned into a sa
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