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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2013 in all areas

  1. As the caretakers of Snarky, we usually are the ones who speak on his behalf, so here is the latest and greatest from our sarcastic mascot. Today, he is not so much sarcastic, but thankful. As his second birthday comes around, he wanted to wish a big thank you to all who have joined and participated in our forums, grand gatherings, philanthropy and general snarkiness to all. Without you, we certainly would not have over 1100 members to call this place home and family. Snarky would like to issue a charge to each and every one of you to bring in at least one member to our flock this year to e
    1 point
  2. I will be doing a review of the Dole Whip w/ Spiced Rum, from the Flower & Garden at Epcot. That's right..... Old Gary taking one for the Fiend team. :wine:
    1 point
  3. Hey you, birthday boy...lets get back to business here!
    1 point
  4. This has not been answered in awhile but thought I would answer anyway. I don't clean all the time but I do like to clean inside and outsideof camper enough to keep the ants, bees and flies away! LOL! I have to be and keep things put away and organized a little bit or it would drive me crazy! I love the plastic bins from Walmart! I do like to make my beds in the morning, keep my dishes and pots and pans clean & put away, (try to use paper plates, cups, plastic silverware), keep our camper and rug out front sweeped off, wet towels & bathing suits hung up, dirty laundry in a hamper, th
    1 point
  5. I'm sure Disney will come out with a version that also doubles as a wrist watch. I better get credit for that idea if they do.
    1 point
  6. I will pick you up on my way. :) ETA: just saw the photo. My heart is stopping too. That is a carnivores you know what dream.
    1 point

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