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Everything posted by DaveInTN

  1. Just a couple of trips to the lake COE campground we like. When it's hot we can cool off there in the water. Other than that, we get a bit more active in fall when it cools down.
  2. No telling what might work with your insurance company, but many times their willingness to pay stems directly from using the correct diagnosis code. They may not pay for "mental" diagnoses, but brain seizures could be considered a physical issue I would think...and maybe there is coding that would support payment for some of what you are paying, in particular the Johns Hopkins visit. I will pray for Gab and you guys. I hope that the JH trip is fruitful. It sounds like you are making progress. Don't be a stranger around here! :hugs2:
  3. Sounds like a great weekend, Rob. How long have you been volunteering at the KOA? How far is it from your home?
  4. Oh, you're not letting me down! I'm really enjoying this report!! :dance: We've done ghost tours in Williamsburg and in Boston, and I've never gotten any orbs or nothing in my photos. I gotta get back to Charleston! What a cool experience!
  5. Ok Judy, you promised the next installment seven minutes ago. What's taking so long?? :popo:
  6. Ok Judy, first off, this quote tells me all I need to know about you. You drive ahead, take care of the BS, set up camp, AND have a cold one waiting for your husband when he arrives? I think you've just melted the hearts of all the men Fiends. :rofl2: So beyond that, I gotta tell you that your kids are freakin beautiful! Little Izzy looks like a sweetheart. I still can't figure out why in the world you would want 5 kids....oh, wait, nevermind. :parrot: Anywho, loving this trip report. Can't wait to see what else you did in PF. We've never actually done the aquarium but everyone I k
  7. Great report so far!!! :banana: I almost feel as though I was there. :rofl2:
  8. I also have standard issue green astroturf. I shake it off now and then, and will occasionally run a vacuum across it. It's held up well for almost five years now. Only problem is if it rains the day before we pack up, it might not dry in time. I will then have to lay it out when we get home to completely dry it. I think the woven ones are better in that regard.
  9. Likes like a cool place to visit. Thanks for the report and pics!
  10. Alright! Looking forward to this report, as I also love Charleston. Especially some good Charleston restaurants. Please tell me you took some food pics??!!? :dance:
  11. Great report!! LOVE the pulled pork and GAG pics! I too will have to try your pork recipe...I always do a butt on the smoker and it's such a production. Would love an easier, lower fat recipe to try sometime. The pool pics are crazy. No way I'd brave that crowd either.
  12. I found the camera and did have a few shots on it. Again, probably repeats of what you've already seen but you can never have too many Fiend Fotos. H, Little H, Gabe and Kim hiding behind Gabe. Scott and his beautiful kids. Kelly and my Gwen enjoyed fishing together. Scenes of the pot luck. Our little stinkpot. The Dynamic Duo heading up the Skyride...Stella and Bailey. Emma on Skyride. Isabel and Gwen Pioneers on the mountain top. Every mountain needs an idiot. The posse. Heading down.
  13. It was truly a wonderful and memorable gathering. Lorna, it was such a pleasure to finally meet you in person, as well as Rich and Matt. I'm sorry you had to stay with Donnie but at least he didn't try to kill you with that 3 wheeled golf cart. :rofl2: I can't wait to see you all again at Thanksgiving time! :banana: My main regret from this trip is not spending even MORE time with some of you...it seemed the weekend went by so fast. I would have loved more time visiting with everyone. Wish Doodle could have been around in the evening for some food and laughter. Wish Kate could hav
  14. If I find my camera I might have a few pics...but overall we took very few pictures. Too busy chasing a VERY active Russian around! :rofl2:
  15. Donnie, good report but you left off the part about the wheel falling off your golf cart and you and Matt fighting about it. I heard all the details from my daughters...LOL! :rofl2:
  16. Great pics! Looks like an awesome weekend. Nothing like getting ice cream along the Maine coast. That's some GOOD ice cream up there!
  17. Very cool pics! Love being able to see the spiraled flooring inside Spaceship Earth.
  18. I really like the place. Not for the ambiance, but the food is good and fairly reasonable.
  19. Wow that's creepy. But that's ok, I didn't need to sleep tonight. Now the story about Timmy...that's just AWESOME! I love how they showed his Florida stats. Once a Gator, always a Gator.
  20. No, but I have wandering hands while I sleep. Just ask Christy. :rofl2:
  21. Bob, if you put your TT in storage in FL in July how will you go to Defeated Creek with us?? :parrot:
  22. Guntown mtn is in business during the summer season. We've never stopped...but it certainly looks like a roadside attraction from a bygone era. It's right across the road from Dinosaur World too! :banana:
  23. Not sure if I am reading the drawing correctly...but the "curvy lines" which fill the space between the new pavilion and the walkway from the marina remind me of the queue area at the Luau. Would make sense that they would try to create a nicer area to wait in...also wouldn't be surprised if they incorporated a bar of some sort in the queue. Why not make more money and sell drinks to people while they wait?
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