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Mtnmanky...aka Leon

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Everything posted by Mtnmanky...aka Leon

  1. People in FL break a lot of stuff in their houses? Home Depot gets a grant to employ all those retired contractors? You live in a real hot bed of home improvement junkies? Tim Allen designed your neighborhood?
  2. Both of our dogs who have stayed seemed to like it, and were not shy about going back at all. We would give them a thumbs up.
  3. and if you name your wi-fi router "Surveillance Van 3", it can be lots of fun! (I know...I have said that before, but I often quote myself. I find it adds spice to my conversations!)
  4. WOW! Just WOW! We are REALLY disorganized and just flying by the seat of our pants! I admire it, but could never handle that level of planning! Our plan is more like: Breakfast - when we get up Go to the park till we get tired or hungry. Come back to the camper for lunch and a nap. Go back to the park. Come back to the camper when we get tired or hungry. Never realized what slackers we are! :rofl2:
  5. I have also found good prices and good service a t 1-800 PET MEDS. My white lab has on-going allergies and the benadryl is much cheaper there than at the vets.
  6. I have some D cells and a couple of AAA's I would be willing to throw in. :rofl2:
  7. Shhh! We never tell 'em what is behind the green curtain, remember??? :rofl3:
  8. Well outside my engineering experience (as a broadcast engineer) but that is cool! (pun fully intended!)
  9. It sounds like some pretty neat technology. I may need to go browse around the patent office site!
  10. It must all be done with polyjuice and confundus charms....oh wait, that's Harry Potter...never mind!
  11. Loved his commercials! (for Isuzu, hence the name!) Guess that means I am geting old, or watched too many commercials. Funny stuff.
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