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Another Auld Lang Syne: The TCD Gang Rings in 2014 @ The Fort!

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Page 26.




Time to continue on with the bonus content.


The girls finally made it, and we met up at Wilderness Lodge.  We had FP+ reservations beginning in the afternoon at Animal Kingdom.  The loose plan was to maybe hit the MK for lunch and a ride or two if possible, and then head over to AK.


But, the girls' late arrival kind of put a crimp in those plans.


Still, we decided to head over to the MK for lunch- hopefully at BOG, and then hop over to AK.  Admittedly, that wasn't the best plan, as it would take a lot of time just getting to the MK and then to AK.  But, that's what we planned to do.


As we walked up to the WL bus stop, an AK bus pulled right up.


Which got me to thinking- was it really worth the hassle to go to the MK.  Here was a bus that could take us right to AK, where we could eat and then enjoy a more relaxed afternoon.


So, the BOG plan got scrapped, and we hopped aboard.


Next stop, Flame Tree BBQ:




Twin #1 and I went for the chicken.  Twin #2 went for the pulled pork.  And of course we shared an order of onion rings. Everyone was happy, and we found an open table in our favorite pavilion to enjoy our meals:




It's tough to beat this view:




As we dined, the girls logged on to the My Disney Experience app to see if we could move around some of our FP+ times.  It wasn't letting us.  Which was fine- we got to eat a leisurely lunch, and then took a slow walk over to the safari ride.


Speaking of unnoticed details, I had never before taken the time to look at this beautiful water feature that sits in the middle of the Flame Tree BBQ dining area:




Despite the slow walk, we were a little early for our FP+ safari return time.  We stood off to the side out of the way to wait a few minutes.  I wish everyone would do that.  One problem that FP+ has not solved is the dummies who show up early for their FP's and then proceed to stand and block the entrance for guests who have valid return times and are trying to get in.  I think there should be a CM with a Taser assigned to keep the FP entrance areas open at each ride. 


When our return time arrived, we waded our way through the sea of dummies, and got to the FP+ scanners.  Here I ran into another type of guest that we always run into.  The over-eager person who rushes into line ahead of the rest of her party.  In this case, it was a mom with a kid in a stroller.  She barged in ahead of us, and passed through the scanner.  Whatever.  We're in the FP line, and we aren't going to have to wait long anyway.  But, sure enough, as soon as we had passed by the scanners and started through the queue, here comes the mom's husband, with another kid in a stroller, asking if we wouldn't mind letting him by so he could join his wife.  Totally not a big deal, but why do people do this?  How many times do CM's tell guests to keep their parties together?


Where were we?


Oh yeah, passing through the FP return queue.  The standby queue is right to our left, and we walked right by all those poor people who didn't schedule a FP+ for the safari.  Which really makes me wonder what they used their FP+'s for?  Or do they not know about FP+?  Not my problem.  We kept walking.


Then we came to a screeching halt.


The stroller people who had cut us off at the FP return entrance had stopped to unload their precious cargo and drop off their strollers.  I can't think of another attraction that has its queue set up this way.  They let guests enter with strollers, and then have the stroller parking area about half-way through the queue.  Why?  This safari queue isn't noticeably longer than any other queue.  So, why not just have guests park their strollers somewhere before entering the queue?  I don't know.  But, that's how it is here.  Again, not really a big deal.  Most guests have the courtesy to push their strollers off to the side of the queue while they unload their precious snowflakes.  But these two, as we were soon to find out, weren't like most guests.  They were fine just stopping in the middle of the path and blocking it while they took their time unloading the kids and some of the crap they had to bring with them on the safari.  Again, not a big deal, the line was moving quickly (at least up to that point), and we would all be walking right up to the load area.  Still, it was pretty inconsiderate of these two to make everyone else wait, when they could have just pushed their stupid strollers out of the way to unload them.


Anyway, the two annoying parents finally got their brats out of the strollers, and got going through the queue.  They had successfully prevented anyone from getting ahead of them, so I guess they were happy about that.


We made it to the load area without further incident. and we ended up being assigned to the same car as the annoying couple.  Only we got the front, and they were a few rows back.


Our driver told us her name was Brenda, and the we would be spending the next two weeks with her, and then we were off:




We hadn't made it too far at all when Brenda stopped the truck and announced that children needed to be on a seat or on a parent's lap- she looked in the mirror and again said please do not lift your children up.  She had to say it again until whoever the knucklehead was behind us put his kid down.  Then we moved on, for about 50 yards, when Brenda had to make the same announcement.  WTF?  I figured that there must be some people not from this land aboard, and they didn't understand Brenda.  Anyway, we waited, and, after whoever it was put their kid down, we moved again.  For a while. Then Brenda had to make the announcement for a third time.  She pointed out how high we were sitting in this truck and how far a kid would fall if he fell over the side.  This time, I turned around to see what idiot was causing the problem.  It was the dad from the annoying couple.  He had his kid lifted up, looking over the side of the truck.  And the thing is, these people were from this land.  They looked like what we used to call yuppies.  The guy understood Brenda perfectly the first two times she had stopped.  He was just an annoying A-hole who thought that rules don't apply to him.  At the end of this announcement, Brenda mentioned that there was a bridge with some crocodiles beneath it coming up, and it definitely would not be a good idea to have your kid hanging over the side there.  I am happy to report that the third time was a charm for Brenda, as we didn't need to stop for any more special announcements for the A-hole's in the back.


Hey, look, there's Twin #2 in the mirror:




For whatever reason, there were a lot of Hippos out and about today:




And there were also a lot of giraffes out on the savannah today:




I'm sure I must have seen a giraffe bending down before at some point in my life, but I can't say I ever noticed how their knees bend.  Brenda pointed this out to us:




The truck in front of us had to stop while a giraffe walked right in front of it.  There's a baby giraffe over there to the right- maybe that was his mom, as he seemed to be following her:




Here's another kneeling giraffe photo:




And a good look at the baby:




Do you notice the pattern on the baby's fur?  She's a masai giraffe.  Her spots are more uneven and jagged.  You may notice that other giraffes have spots that are smoother, and make a net-like pattern with the lighter fur between the spots.  Those are reticulated giraffes.  I think we hear that tidbit every time we ride the safari ride, but I don't think I've even seen both types of giraffes out at the same time.


One more giraffe photo:




When we got to the cheetah section, we heard Brenda call in to HQ on her radio and speak in some kind of code.  She said she was by the cheetahs and then said she needed a 102 or some other number-I'm not sure exactly what she said.  At first we thought she was calling for security, but as she continued her conversation, it turns out she was asking to go on break.  She seemed to be agitated.  Those A-holes in the back had gotten to her.  There's the cheetah:




So here's where there's a problem with the safari ride.  There used to be a story that went along with the ride.  We had Wilson on the radio, and we were going to help him chase some poachers.  I agree that it wasn't the best story line they could have come up with, but it helped to keep the ride interesting.  Now, they rely on the drivers to keep the ride interesting.  But, sometimes you get a dull driver.  Or. someone like Brenda here, who was now in a bad mood, and was just going through the motions until she could dump us off and go on break.


Brenda pointed out this lioness to us.  But, I think it's really a River Country panther:




That panther was definitely looking at something.  I wondered what.  Then I looked to the right and saw this:




I think that's kind of mean.


They have juicy ostriches like this one walking around where the lions can see them, but presumably can't get to them.


The male lion didn't care about the ostrich:




After this, we rode past the warthogs, and then a lot of nothing.  No fake poacher camp.  No fake gunfire.  No fake elephant.  They need to do something about this.  I wish they had left the fake stuff.  It's better than nothing.


All in all, though, it was a good safari ride.


Hopefully, Brenda felt better after her break, and the A-holes moved on to annoy other guests.


Everyone was happy.


Next up, we had Expedition Everest FP's.  But, we had some time to kill.  We killed it with an ice cream cone from that truck by EE.  Very nice.


Good people watching.


You've heard the theme for 2014 at WDW, right?  At least I think it's the theme:  "Show Your Disney Side."  What this is, exactly, I can't tell you.  But, I think it has something to do with dressing up like Disney characters.  Here are three girls showing us their Disney side:




Whoever came up with this show your Disney side thing probably didn't think this through enough.  I don't really want to see anyone else's Disney side.   I think everyone should keep that to themselves.  No offense, but I don't want people showing me their Disney side.  At least not if this is how it's going to look.


Anyway, our FP+ return time arrived, so we headed over to the EE entrance so we could waltz in with our Magic Bands.


It didn't quite happen that way:




As you can see, it was the guests without Magic Bands who could waltz in to the stand by line.  Us FP+ guests had to wait in this line.


I don't know what the hold up was.


I looked to see if it was the A-holes with the two strollers.  But, I didn't see them.  I'm sure it was at least partly from guests who were early for their return times and were standing in front of the entrance.  This wouldn't be happening if they had that CM with a Taser like I suggested.


It was earlier in this thread that we talked about the back story for EE.  This sign in the queue reminded me of the guys who operated the trains that we will be taking through the forbidden mountain.  Norbu and Bob:




Remember those video screens we looked at a while back?  And how we discovered that the imagineers had included references to old Disney movies?  I liked that.  So, I had my camera ready to take some more photos of the images on the screens- maybe we would find some more obscure movie references.


Well, guess what?  The video screens were covered up! And there was no an obscure movie reference to be found on the panels they used to cover them:










So, what is this all about?


Two weeks ago, they had big video screens here which were showing fake ads for Yeti merchandise.  Now, they're covered up.  Or maybe even gone.  What the Fort?


The requisite ride photo:




The last FP+ we had was for Dinosaur, but we now had almost two hours before it would be good.  Even though it didn't seem very busy, the app would not let us change the time or the attraction. 


There's no Lion King show at the moment.


So, what to do?


We decided to head over to Dinosaur and see what the stand-by line looked like.  We haven't used a FP on Dinosaur for a long time. 


When we got there, there were guests standing in the FP return line, but they weren't letting them in.  We saw guests walking up to the stand-by line and being turned away.  The stand by wait time sign was not lit up:




Dinosaur was down.


Twin #1 decided to walk up to the CM and see if she could find out what was going on.  We hung back.  In my experience, it's a waste of time to ask a CM about what's going on in situations like this.  They never say anything helpful.  But Twin #1 wanted to ask anyway.  We watched her walk up, and then she gestured for us to come on.  They had just re-opened the ride as she walked up.  We headed up and headed in.  This could be good.


We walked right into the big room in the queue:






This wasn't bad.  Things usually move quick from here.


But they didn't.


We were at a stop.


The CM at the front held up his hand and shouted it would be just five more minutes.  That was unusual.  Normally, they don't say things like that. And he shouldn't have, because five minutes came and went.


I wasn't bored though.


There was lots to see.


Do you remember the old skit from SNL about Pat?  I thought of that as I noticed this guest:




What's that tattoo?


I don't get it.


If I had a tattoo on my arm like that, I'd want something recognizable.  Oh, and please note that Pat has a Stich phone cover on his (or her?) phone.  That complicates things.


After we had stood without moving for about 10 minutes, the same CM who had told us it would only be 5 minutes got up and announced that the ride was down and he didn't know when it would be operating again.  He said we could leave by going out the way we came, or we continue to wait indefinitely.  Again, this is not something I've seen before:




And, it was a bad idea.  People started pushing to get out, while others stood in the way because they were going to wait.  Also, the guests in line who didn't hear this announcement didn't know what was going on.  Isn't there a PA system in here?


After the earlier five minute announcement, I had gone on the MDE app and was able to change our Dinosaur FP+ to a FP+ for the Finding Nemo show at 6.  That was the only thing it would give me.  But, I took it since I thought we were about to ride Dinosaur.  Now, when I logged on,  I couldn't get my Dinosaur FP back.


In the past, where a ride has gone down like this, we would be given a paper FP that we could use later.  Well, they apparently don't do that anymore.  As far as we saw, the new policy is- tough luck.


That was not a magical experience.


So now what?


We decided to move on.


The girls wanted to try our luck at the Magic Kingdom.


And that was fine with me.


So we headed for the exit.


On the way out, we made some more plans.  We would need to eat dinner somewhere.  I wasn't against another GAG.  But, the timing wasn't going to be right for that.  We came up with another plan, and would be making a couple of stops before eventually making it to the MK.



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Yay another report!   War Eagle!!!    I have never seen the garland in person so bummer.  But it also irks me a little that it blocks the view of the castle.   I was in the night time parade when I wa

OOPS....My bad it's a case of fat fingers on an 8" screen... Didn't see it until you mentioned it. That is one thing that we need is a way to correct those.

The CM with Hullahoop is Barbara. She is a legend among anyone who has worked MS. She is Walt reincarnated as a woman. She is a blast to work with and always has a smile on her face and dances around.

Good choice on Flame Tree one of our favorites.

Will also agree about the Taser would solve the early fast pass people.

People with the stroller should learn some manners, they are probably the 1st ones to complain when something like that happens to them.

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I'm pretty sure a code 102 is to get permission to feed someone's child to the cheetahs. 


Oh, and regarding ahole Dad.  It's bad enough that he was acting like the Prime Minister of Douchebagistan, but I'm most concerned with your first statement regarding him arriving in the queue and needing to budge ahead.  That means his wife can outrun him.  C'mon dude, man up, grow a pair and run faster. 

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We encountered a stroller blockade on KS too.  I said excuse me and started to go around and the woman turned the stroller even more sideways to block me. Fortunately before my DW could respond the CM taking the strollers in the parking area pulled the stroller and the woman into the parking area to let us pass.  The woman was so pissed.  But really if you had to park the stroller outside the ride and unload your "stuff" do you expect the line to close until you are ready.  Some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them and they all seem to go to  Disney while I'm there.  

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We encountered a stroller blockade on KS too.  I said excuse me and started to go around and the woman turned the stroller even more sideways to block me. Fortunately before my DW could respond the CM taking the strollers in the parking area pulled the stroller and the woman into the parking area to let us pass.  The woman was so pissed.  But really if you had to park the stroller outside the ride and unload your "stuff" do you expect the line to close until you are ready.  Some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them and they all seem to go to  Disney while I'm there.  


Probably the same people who refuse to let anybody merge on the roads.  But of course they will zoom up in the lane about to end and cut in.  Gotta be first! 

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I agree with all the comments about the Prime Minister. 


The bigger issue is the apparent new policy of "tough luck" after you have waited in line for awhile.


How hard would it be to have paper return passes for this situation?  Not very in my estimation.


No paper FPs SMB. 


I have never tried Flametree I dont believe.  The view was nice.


I think the safari driver should have stopped the bus, told DB to give the kid to his wife, and then told him to jump when she got to the bridge by the Crocs.  But then that's probably just me.

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Good choice on Flame Tree one of our favorites.

Will also agree about the Taser would solve the early fast pass people.

People with the stroller should learn some manners, they are probably the 1st ones to complain when something like that happens to them.


Flame Tree is also one of our favorites.  I think it's in a solid second place after BOG in the Quick Serve category.


The whole stroller thing wasn't that big of a deal, really.  What bugged me was how that woman charged ahead of us, and then we had to let her slowpoke husband catch up.  Only to then have them block the line while they unloaded their strollers.  What is wrong with people these days?


Shame on those parents. 


I've never eaten at Flame Tree. I like that view and will have to check it out on our next trip.


Dinosaur seems to break down a lot.


Hmmm..... I wonder where you'll end up for dinner.....


You need to go to Flame Tree.  Split the chicken meal with someone and order a side of onion rings.  That's good eatin'.


Everything at WDW breaks down a lot. 


Spoiler alert- we did not get a GAG.  We just got one two weeks before, so Twin #2 got to pick.


I'm pretty sure a code 102 is to get permission to feed someone's child to the cheetahs. 


Oh, and regarding ahole Dad.  It's bad enough that he was acting like the Prime Minister of Douchebagistan, but I'm most concerned with your first statement regarding him arriving in the queue and needing to budge ahead.  That means his wife can outrun him.  C'mon dude, man up, grow a pair and run faster. 


Good point about Prime Minister DB.  The lady in that equation obviously was running things.


We encountered a stroller blockade on KS too.  I said excuse me and started to go around and the woman turned the stroller even more sideways to block me. Fortunately before my DW could respond the CM taking the strollers in the parking area pulled the stroller and the woman into the parking area to let us pass.  The woman was so pissed.  But really if you had to park the stroller outside the ride and unload your "stuff" do you expect the line to close until you are ready.  Some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them and they all seem to go to  Disney while I'm there.  


Sounds like you and I have the same luck at Disney.  That whole stroller thing at KS is dumb.  Kids have to get out of their strollers before entering every other queue, why not this one too?


Probably the same people who refuse to let anybody merge on the roads.  But of course they will zoom up in the lane about to end and cut in.  Gotta be first! 


No doubt.


I agree with all the comments about the Prime Minister. 


The bigger issue is the apparent new policy of "tough luck" after you have waited in line for awhile.


How hard would it be to have paper return passes for this situation?  Not very in my estimation.


No paper FPs SMB. 


I have never tried Flametree I dont believe.  The view was nice.


I think the safari driver should have stopped the bus, told DB to give the kid to his wife, and then told him to jump when she got to the bridge by the Crocs.  But then that's probably just me.


The "tough luck" policy is not very magical.  I'm not sure what the heck was going on there.  Why did the reopen the line and then make everyone wait only to kick us out again?   As I said, I hadn't seen that one before. 


You need to give Flametree a try next time you're looking for a quick serve.  The design is unique in that there are several covered dining areas in a garden setting.  To get the Forbidden Mountain view, you need to carry your tray a bit.  But we like it.  A lot of time, that pavilion is empty.


You know, I would bet later in that trip, that guy probably would have liked to jump and take his chances with the crocs rather than continue to hang with his pushy wife.


Maybe Brenda had intestinal cramps and had to get off that safari immediately.  That would make her cranky.


And was there ever a determination on Pat?  I'm voting woman.


Glad you asked about Pat.  I have another photo-




I thinks she's a she too.


The twins refused to engage in this discussion.  They are so politically correct now that they're college students.  Twin #2 was mad that I took that first photo.  So, just to show her who's boss I took the second one.  She didn't like that at all, and thus ended any further discussion of the subject of Pat.



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Boo to the safari jerks.  


First Big Booty Lady with saggy pants hubby, The Disney Side Girls and now Pat.  Twin 2 may end up doing something with your camera that you won't particularly enjoy.   :))


I will do my best to keep my Disney side to myself.  I do not want to end up the butt of a joke in a TCD TR.  Or be the cause of a TCD Vs. Twin feud. ;D

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Glad you asked about Pat.  I have another photo-






I most definitely think that is a she.  My evidence is the elbow.  See that dimple on the back of the elbow?  That is typically a female trait.  I don't recall seeing elbow dimples on men. 


Oh, and for the record, I think you are horrible, TCD.  You know, just in case Pat is lurking and decides to exact revenge on anyone making fun of her/him/it. 

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Boo to the safari jerks.  


First Big Booty Lady with saggy pants hubby, The Disney Side Girls and now Pat.  Twin 2 may end up doing something with your camera that you won't particularly enjoy.   :))


I will do my best to keep my Disney side to myself.  I do not want to end up the butt of a joke in a TCD TR.  Or be the cause of a TCD Vs. Twin feud. ;D


I see what you did there!


Very good.


Yeah, now that you mention it, I'm on thin ice with Twin #2.  She is like my conscience.  I apparently am practically a Neanderthal. 


I most definitely think that is a she.  My evidence is the elbow.  See that dimple on the back of the elbow?  That is typically a female trait.  I don't recall seeing elbow dimples on men. 


Oh, and for the record, I think you are horrible, TCD.  You know, just in case Pat is lurking and decides to exact revenge on anyone making fun of her/him/it. 


Elbow dimples?


I've never noticed that. 


I was looking for an Adam's apple.  But didn't get a clear shot.


Just in case Pat is lurking, I will not post the extreme close up of his/her face. 


And also, I apologize for my insensitivity to this issue.


And, Pat, if you are lurking- what is going on with that tattoo?



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We encountered a stroller blockade on KS too.  I said excuse me and started to go around and the woman turned the stroller even more sideways to block me. Fortunately before my DW could respond the CM taking the strollers in the parking area pulled the stroller and the woman into the parking area to let us pass.  The woman was so pissed.  But really if you had to park the stroller outside the ride and unload your "stuff" do you expect the line to close until you are ready.  Some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them and they all seem to go to  Disney while I'm there.  


Stroller mom, "If I have to wait while 4 people pass me in line I MIGHT DIE. MY VACATION IS RUINED." 



I'm guessing you end up at the Captain Cooks. 

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I see what you did there!


Very good.


Yeah, now that you mention it, I'm on thin ice with Twin #2.  She is like my conscience.  I apparently am practically a Neanderthal. 




What did I do there?  :rolleyes:  Who me?  


I have no comment about whether or not you are a neanderthal.   I may be the female version of one myself as I am not always the sensitive type.   :clint:


Looking forward to more bonus features ...

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Stroller mom, "If I have to wait while 4 people pass me in line I MIGHT DIE. MY VACATION IS RUINED." 



I'm guessing you end up at the Captain Cooks. 


What made you guess Captain Cooks?


That is a very good guess.


And correct!


Did you know that it's going to be shut down next month until some time in the summer while they make changes to the Great Ceremonial House?  I certainly hope that they relocate the self serve Dole Whip machine so that it's available during the construction.


What did I do there?   ::)  Who me?  


I have no comment about whether or not you are a neanderthal.   I may be the female version of one myself as I am not always the sensitive type.   :clint:


Looking forward to more bonus features ...


The bonus features have to end sometime.


In fact, I'm getting ready to post the last of the photos from this early February day trip.


A CM with a taser at the FP return line is the BEST idea ever!!! Without a doubt our biggest pet peeve in the parks is arriving to a ride to use our FP and finding the entrance completely blocked by people waiting for their return time!!! UGH!!!


If you thought it was bad with paper FP's, wait until you experience it with Magic Bands.


The problem is compounded by the fact that CM's can't even look at the idiot guests' paper FP's and see that they're early.  Now, they have to scan their MB's and wait for the screen to deny them.  Then the CM has to look at a monitor to see what the problem is, and tell the idiot guests that they need to step to the side and wait.  The idiot guests seem to not understand the step to the side part.  This is an instance where the FP+/MB system has made a problem much worse than it was before.



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Bonus content update time.


We left AK with a plan.  It was only around 5 pm- too early for dinner.  We decided to head to the Contemporary to hang out for a while, then head on to the Polynesian Resort where we would dine at Captain Cook's for dinner.


The Contemporary/Polynesian bus was waiting for us at the bus stop.  If I believed in jinxes, I would hesitate to make this statement, but I don't so I won't:  we have the best luck with the Disney transportation system.  Very rarely have we ever had to wait more than a few minutes to catch a bus, boat or monorail.  It's like we walk around with a cloud over our heads sprinkling transportation pixie dust.  Just another reason why it's good to be TCD.


So we arrived at the Contemporary via Disney motorcoach ( I think that's what they call them on the taped announcements they play on the buses). 


We walked in to the lobby, and I saw something new.


I'm not sure when they moved the little coffee stand that is in the Contemporary lobby, but it's near the entrance exit doors now.  It used to be across from the check-in counters, next to the escalators.  I haven't paid it much attention since it moved.  Today, however, we saw this:






Seeing the Ice Cream of the FutureTM at the Contemporary wasn't a surprise- Aaron had a thread reporting this exciting development here on ff.net a week or so ago.  What did surprise me, though, is that I didn't realize they were selling it at this little coffee stand.  Which isn't exactly a place guest will be looking for ice cream.


I'm not sure this is going to be here long.  They only had two small containers of the Dippin' Dots in the case:




Ho hum.


For future reference, you can grab a bagel or muffin here- which would probably be faster than trying to get one up at Contempo Café:




So why are we at the Contemporary?


We have found it has some nice places to sit and take a break.  One place we like to go is the couches near the Outer Rim lounge.  But, we were not here at a good time for that.  Look at all the strollers:




Why would they waste a space like that with a view like that for stroller parking?


Two words:  Chef Mickey's.


They rake it in there.  If they have to give up a prime space for stroller parking, it's worth it.  That place is like an ATM for Disney.  They serve up some average food, pay a couple of college kids minimum wage to walk around in costumes, and the rest if pure profit!


It was around 5:30 when we arrived.  Which meant the Outer Rim was overrun with guests waiting to hand over a pile of money to the mouse at Chef Mickey's:




So we couldn't hang out here.  No problem.  We know another place.  Down one flight on the escalator, and get off- this is the floor where they have all the big ballrooms.  There are couches and comfortable seating areas scattered around.  The girls grabbed a couch, pulled out their phones, and got to work catching up with their social media.  That isn't a big priority with me, so I left them there and headed for the roof.


It's been a while since I've been on the roof at the Contemporary.  They were doing construction up there for a while last year, and I think access may have been blocked off because of that.  I know the Troll tried to go up there and failed.  He got mad at me over that.  Like it's my fault?  I think the Troll was going to try to go up on the Contemporary roof again, but I don't know if he ever made it.  I kind of think he didn't.  Sorry, Troll, but I'm going.


It's really not hard to do.  Here I am up on the 10th floor looking down at the Contempo Café and part of Chef Mickey's below:




And here's the view that greeted me as I headed out to the outdoor staircase:




Pretty nice!


There's the Polynesian Resort over there:




And, turned to the left, we can see the Wilderness Lodge:




In that last photo, you can also see the Swan/Dolphin there above the tree line on the right of the photo.  You can also see that Big Golf Ball (BGB) at Epcot to the left.  The only thing is that in the photo, it blends in with the grayish sky.  To help you find it, here's a zoom on that last photo with the BGB marked:




As I continued to turn to the left, I got a good look at the new Four Seasons resort, which I affectionately call the Abomination:




Wow, I love the view from up here.  Look down there in Bay Lake- there's a resort boat heading to the Fort by Discovery Island:




Those buildings you see off in the distance are Sea World and Universal Studio area hotels.


You can't really see them too well in the daylight, but at night, you can see some of the Universal Studio and Sea World attractions from up here:




Turned even further to the left, we can see Bay Lake Tower, and that there really aren't any big buildings off in the distance in that direction:




Here we can see a MK boat crossing the water bridge, and a MK ferry approaching the Transportation and Ticket Center over there in the Seven Seas Lagoon:




If you look off in the distance here, you can see Expedition Everest and the Summit Plummet at Blizzard Beach- they kind of blend in with the background in this photo, but standing there, you can see them:




Downtown Disney is over there around the center of this photo.  The little spot that you see to the right of center is that big balloon that they have there-Characters in Flight:




Here's a zoom on the part of that photo that shows the balloon:




Here's Wilderness Lodge again- you can see the Big Golf Ball to the left of the edge of the WL roof:




That MK boat we saw crossing the water bridge is now heading to the Lodge:




Remember that my day began sloshing through the rain at the Fort.  Tonight, I am being treated to this gorgeous sunset.  This is one of the reasons why I love Florida-if the weather's bad, wait a little bit, it will change:




A monorail shot, because you need a monorail shot if you're up on the roof:




Since we're talking about monorails, we might as well also talk about Hidden Mickeys- that will keep Lou away for sure.


One of my favorite Hidden Mickeys is sitting on this building right below:




There's a metal sculpture of Mickey sitting on the edge of this building's roof.  You can see it in the center of this photo:




Some more help, if you need it:




You can see that Hidden Mickey from the monorails- right before you enter the Contemporary on the express monorail, and right after you leave the Contemporary on the resort line.


The sun peeked through the clouds just a bit as I stood here, and caused the Abomination to glow:




Look at that thing!


Look how tall it is!


How it sticks up out of the forest and towers above the wilderness. 


Which is now a lot less wild since there's a giant hotel towering above it.


When they first announced they were building that thing, they boasted how guests would be able to see the MK fireworks as well as Illuminations at Epcot.  I thought that was crazy talk.  But, now than I see how that thing towers above the trees like that, I guess they will have a pretty good view of things from there.


I've been dying to know what they can see from that hotel.  But, it's not open.  At least not to the public.  But, I do have one photo that shows a view of the Contemporary from there (and some of the construction still going on below) :






How did I get that photo?


Trade secret.


I guess that's enough roof photos.


So, I headed back down to meet up with the girls.


We headed over to the Polynesian via the resort monorail.  I thought they were going to be shutting that down to do work on it, but I guess it's only on weekdays?


On the way there, we caught a glimpse of the work they're doing on the new DVC there.  This isn't a great photo- but I think you can see that they have leveled the big hill called Sunset Point.  It's completely gone:




We ate at Captain Cook's.  Twin #2 got the noodles that she loves.  I got those too.  Twin #1 got the Polynesian nachos- which are also good.


Then we headed to the MK.


We had no FP's, and couldn't get any, and it was busy.


We walked back through New Fantasyland to see how bad wait times were back there.


They were bad. 


So, we hopped the train, with the plan being to get off in Frontierland.


When we got to the front though, the train stopped for a while.  I guess they were taking a train off the tracks or doing something, and we had to wait.  It was around 7:30.  We knew that the parade and fireworks were coming,  There weren't many guests coming in:




But it still felt kind of crowded.


And it was getting foggy.


And the girls had to drive back to Gainesville. 


So, we decided to bail.


We headed back to our cars and got on the road.


And that was it for that day trip.


And that would also be the end of the bonus features.


Except, surprise, it's not.



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Captain Cook's closing, my wife will be devastated without her Dole Whip and she prefers to get it there then at the MK.


Uh oh.  This could be a serious problem.


I know she has one that she's been rationing in the freezer.  Maybe she needs to cut down to just a half spoonful at a time.


Who wouldn't prefer to get a Dole Whip at the Poly rather than at the MK?  They don't give you a magnificent tower of Dole Whip at the MK.


If you're there for the Flower and Garden Festival, they also had Dole Whip there last year- and for several extra bucks would put a splash of booze on it too.


My best guess is that when the close Captain Cook's, they will set up some kind of temporary quick serve location.  Hopefully, that will include the Dole Whip machine, and disaster will be averted.



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Uh oh.  This could be a serious problem.


I know she has one that she's been rationing in the freezer.  Maybe she needs to cut down to just a half spoonful at a time.


Who wouldn't prefer to get a Dole Whip at the Poly rather than at the MK?  They don't give you a magnificent tower of Dole Whip at the MK.


If you're there for the Flower and Garden Festival, they also had Dole Whip there last year- and for several extra bucks would put a splash of booze on it too.


My best guess is that when the close Captain Cook's, they will set up some kind of temporary quick serve location.  Hopefully, that will include the Dole Whip machine, and disaster will be averted.




Ok let's hope they have a temporary set up and thanks for the heads up on the Dole Whips for Flower and Garden might just save us some running around an a short 3 day trip like that, would hate to get to the Poly and not find her Dole Whip, I think you would hear the scream all the way at your house!!!!!!!!

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I know that area where the twins sat and updated FB while you went up to the roof - it's a good place to kill time.  We waited there one trip on our last day while we were waiting on time for our ride to the airport to arrive.


I've never been up to the roof at the CR - only to the observation deck from California Grill.  I just booked our next trip (yay - a re-do after our trip cut short this time) at BLT so I'll have to go try to find the roof access.  Looks like a great viewing and picture-taking area.


No more bonus pics, or did I pick up on a cliff-hanger that there may be more?

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Ok let's hope they have a temporary set up and thanks for the heads up on the Dole Whips for Flower and Garden might just save us some running around an a short 3 day trip like that, would hate to get to the Poly and not find her Dole Whip, I think you would hear the scream all the way at your house!!!!!!!!


We did not use the Dole Whip machine this time.  We are going to try to get back to Captain Cook's one more time before it closes.


I'll be sure to report somewhere regarding whether or not there is a Dole Whip machine in the new location.  That is something very important.  I don't want you having any problems with Mrs. dblr.


Sad that this is the end of the bonus pictures!


I really enjoyed the rooftop photos.  


Also sad that Sunset Pointe has been leveled.  That's where Matthew and Erica got married.  It was a great spot for a wedding.


You misunderstood.  That was the end of the bonus photos from that day.


Not the end of bonus photos.


I remember that your son was married there.  I'll bet he and his wife will miss being able to return there.  Darn DVC.


I know that area where the twins sat and updated FB while you went up to the roof - it's a good place to kill time.  We waited there one trip on our last day while we were waiting on time for our ride to the airport to arrive.


I've never been up to the roof at the CR - only to the observation deck from California Grill.  I just booked our next trip (yay - a re-do after our trip cut short this time) at BLT so I'll have to go try to find the roof access.  Looks like a great viewing and picture-taking area.


No more bonus pics, or did I pick up on a cliff-hanger that there may be more?


Yes-we have used that area for breaks many times.  I don't know of a place like that in the Polynesian.  I should have also mentioned that the restrooms there are super nice!  Just one floor up, the restrooms are usually a mess.  On this floor, however, they're clean and never busy.


I think the observation deck for the California Grill is on the other side of where I was-same roof, though.


I'll tell you exactly how to get to where I was.  Take the elevator to the 10th floor.  You can't go any higher unless you're staying on one of the Concierge floors.  Then head to the corner of the tower closest to the Fort and Bay Lake.  Go right out the door and up the stairs, and you're there on the roof.  Here's something very important though- that door will close and lock behind you.  And then you're going to have to walk down 15 flights of stairs.  Unless you have a wad of napkins or a pen or something to stick in the door so it doesn't close all the way.  That's where Troll messed up.  He's still sore about it too.


If you want, send me a PM and let me know when you'll be at BLT.  Maybe I'll finally get to meet you and Ray for that drink.  The deck outside that bar at the top of BLT is pretty sweet, too.


Yes, there are more photos!  You read that last sentence correctly!




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This is just bonus content, and this trip report is getting old.  I started this one way back on January 6th.  And here it is February 7th.  If I don't get this wrapped up, I'm going to be as bad as the Troll posting on a six month old TR, like it's all one trip.


Okay so this inspired me to finish mine.  2 Updates today!  

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