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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2013 in all areas

  1. Aaron....I hope you don't mind that I lifted your DB photo and started a new thread. http://www.fortfiends.net/forum/topic/9130-the-disney-db-wall-of-shame/
    1 point
  2. Rude assclown is one thing, physically moving someone else's child is another entirely! I think the fact that you didn't clock the guy is admirable. I don't even have kids and I'm pretty sure I'd have given said DB a good tongue lashing and quite possibly yelled loudly for a CM that some guy was manhandling my kid. What the Fort is wrong with people. It's a ride for heaven's sake. Is it that important that you get on it 30 seconds faster??? Ok, deep breaths and back to having an awesome vacation!
    1 point
  3. I'm surprised the CM didn't stop him. What an assclown.
    1 point
  4. Same here, plus I have to have them put gel on top of it so it isn't all chipped off in 2 hours. Plus, it's all about the chair!!!! (But if money was a crunch, the nails and toes would be the first to go)
    1 point
  5. Rude! Rude! Rude!!! Next time do the "I'm sick and now I'm going to cough on you while your in line." And talk about how the doctor says "your only slightly contagious." Instead of kicking them in the chins.
    1 point
  6. Nobody puts hands on my kids. Nobody. It would have gotten ugly fast for us too. The only thing that would saved that guy from my husband knocking his lights out is the kid in that guy's arms. Many hugs from us.
    1 point
  7. Oh no! Dream Machine not happy. Oh My!!!! Breathe, and remember you are at WDW!!!!!! And it dosn't hurt you were at EPCOT with some great beers and drinks....Or were there.
    1 point
  8. Just so we're clear, is the DB in the green hat or the lighted backpack? If I see him on my next trip, I'll kick him in the shins for your son!
    1 point
  9. Where's that snap chat feature when you really need it? You could fuego him right here.
    1 point
  10. Hey Captain Curmudgeon, :rofl2: I figured that Disney had some type of publication, and I still say that Dave should do it. After all, it makes the idiot managers do something. Hell I figure that it must kill them to actually document that an employee got a compliment or did a good job. My god that must be like doing actual work.... Managers working... now that's frightening.... I'm sure that they would rather just have everyone believe that they make it all work and deserve the bonuses and accolades instead of the employees. I like to acknowledge employees who do a good job, so th
    1 point

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