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Everything posted by bhall

  1. Yes, towing down the road is better then my old TT. However, I cannot back this thing up into my driveway without making an @ss of myself. The old longer TT was no problem and all of the enclosed car trailers I tow for work is no problem. The biggest issue is I have a short bed truck. I have a slider hitch, but when it's slid back to "maneuver" position the hitch of the 5er hits my tailgate as soon as I get the trailer turned a couple of degrees. I had someone look at my problem and they say Camping World mounted my rails too far back. I can have them put in the right position, but I wil
  2. Other then towing down the road, I regret having our current 5er. I liked our TT better then this one. Also, had to upgrade to a new truck to handle the "light weight" 5er. And that wasn't for towing power either... Which is why I went with a gasser over diesel. Payload capacity will be your biggest enemy looking for a 5er. You need to find out what the payload capacity of your truck is. There should be a sticker on the driver's door opening telling you payload/cargo carrying capacity. With your's being a 2003 plus being a diesel, I expect it to be low. Probably less then 2100 lbs.
  3. 15 years ago I worked for a company headquartered out of Egg Harbor City, and about once a month I had to go there and meet up with clients of the company in surrounding errors. Several people there in the main office talked like that over the phone and in person and I encountered the same 'dialect' if you will in Absecon. I did encounter hair gel up at the Burlington Twp Public Works building. I hated that particular contract with all my heart....
  4. Dollywood is on my bucket list. Knoebels and Dollywood are always duking it out for the top rated amusement park food.
  5. Sooooooo, my wife and I thought it would be cool to paint up Sushi as a skeleton since she has black skin. She doesn't mind wearing all the stupid things my wife puts on her so I figured it would be easy. Nope. She started flipping the frank out halfway through painting the spine on. Never saw or heard her act this way. So for the rest of the night she just looked like Pepe Le Pew's reluctant love interest Penelope. I want to wash this off of her but this is the closest she will let me get to her right now. I'm gonna have to wait until she starts to sleep before I can get it off of her
  6. Yeah.... none of you people can come watch me back in tomorrow Somebody is going to video this, right? Sent from my iPhone
  7. Will have to see. The bank has just started to reverse it's anti wireless policy. Of course, anyone with a "VP" or "A-VP" behind their name now has wireless access. Some big conference held in WDW helped facilitate that. I put my request in as advised by my supervisor and was promptly denied by his boss. My time off request that I put in for next October was also denied as I have nobody to back me up except my supervisor and he has vacation scheduled as well. The only nobody but my supervisor can do my job. I Need that stupid wire if I'm going to be able to make that Fort trip.
  8. I'm probably the only one in the world who is hoping they will still keep the cable modem access after WiFi is installed. Sent from my iPhone
  9. I wish it had a waahbulance. It would come in handy on some political forums Sent from my iPhone
  10. I cannot afford to hear that phrase anymore....
  11. I use it exclusively for posting pics. It's not pleasant though reading pic loaded trip reports Sent from my iPhone
  12. It sounds great! Then I looked at the pic and it looks like it could be confused for anything related to the Baltimore Ravens. Lost interest then.
  13. Haha! I prefer to cook mine the same way Doug posted at first as well. I think they cook better that way. However, I will agree that they look better cooked the other way.
  14. Nah...maybe we just need a huge 5th wheel to balance it out Not with that diesel equipped 250. Power isn't your problem. Payload would be. :) Sent from my iPhone
  15. I don't think anyone answered my questions about the lights using Light o Rama. According to Wikipedia: In 2011 the display had a major overhaul, all the lights were swapped out for LED lights including all the ropelight. During this overhaul the lighting control was updated to a "state of the art" entertainment lighting system using light control boards from the company Light-O-Rama.​ ​I've got 5 LoR controllers and the software. It takes me 8-10 hours to program a song for 80 channels and 8k lights. I can't even wrap my head around what is needed to do it on that scale.
  16. I am ready to mobilize Sent from my iPhone
  17. The following pic made my wife cry when I showed it to her a few days ago. Wrigley would lay in Rolo's cage and she would lay in Belle's cage just to annoy Belle. Belle's cage is still set up and my wife's tshirt that Belle drug in there her last morning is still in there. Here is Vali laying in the cage in the exact position Wrigley would. Then I just took this pic a few minutes ago. Minnie on the left while Vali is crashing hard from a catnip binge beside Rolo Sent from my iPhone
  18. Not one part of that looks tasty. I'm not even sure the dogs would even eat that....and the one dog has been known to raid the cat litter box once in awhile.
  19. I have used tent stakes in the past for my wire frame Halloween & Christmas yard decorations.
  20. .......and that is why we can't have nice things. Sent from my iPhone
  21. Not sure I would want a crockpot that does that. Might have to look that one up on YouTube Sent from my iPhone
  22. Here's a pic from today of Rascal. Vali is on the right a bit bigger then in the pics above. Sent from my iPhone
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