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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2013 in all areas

  1. My cousin's co-worker's SIL has a friend with 4 kids, and they stayed in the cabins at Camp Wilderness. I am SO not the camping type, but I wonder if the cabins would work for my family. I worry sometimes that my kids never get fresh air and think maybe we should try this sometime. Are the cabins close to where the people in trailers live? I worry that we'll see those people. Do they share buses? Can we use the pool at the WL, because I'm afraid of the water not being clean from the trailer people. Convince me this might be a good option for us. Or should we stay at the Beach Club Vill
    2 points
  2. i don't normally do this, but convince me I need to go Camping
    2 points
  3. I retract my mealy mouth little - oh the Fiends are wonderful because they helped us back in and left a note". Seems meaningless and silly after spending time reading about Anna's adoption story and how the Fiends supported Dave and his family. Not with the usual in the beginning getting caught in the emotion...but with ongoing, genuine support in a myriad of ways. Like many, I cried as I read and I do wish I had been in since the beginning. After reading about Anna, my DH said it best - "That's Kingdom work. A life lesson in what's really important." DH had tears in his eyes as well.
    2 points
  4. I'm on call today until 1:00pm so I'm just sitting around killing time on this grey morning waiting to see if I'll have to go in and make some magic. While waiting I decided to check out some other bulletin boards to see what kind of silly threads I could find. Of course I had no problem finding some. Ants!!! I found that on the Fort Freaks forum that we all love to hate. Yup, that's all it says, ants. Seems that the Fort has been taken over by ants. Kids and small pets have been known to be carried away by armies of ants. Bugs in Florida, I'm shocked. Next they're going to say that there a
    1 point
  5. Stef, Tony wants me to make sure you know, how much we appreciate you allowing us into the reunion. Tony was excited he was able to support and celebrate with Jordan, especially after a year over in A-Stan. I understand Jordan shared with Tony about some of things he expreienced over there. For Tony, even after 28 years of moving the Army and other forces around, he (Tony) appreciates all they do. He was proud to pass on one of his challenge coins to Jordo. I just wish we could have done more for him and his close friends and supporters. For you and Trev (and Mason) to support him and his
    1 point
  6. I completely agree with you on Epcot. I remember when it opened, spending hours looking and playing with all of the future things. Even Imagination had computers set up that you could e-mail with. Very cool when you're 12! I hardly walk into Innoventions or Imagination anymore. There's not much "tomorrow" in EpcoT. I will revisit those attractions when they bring out the flying cars.
    1 point
  7. you can't afford it. I guess that saying applies to green toilets?
    1 point
  8. I signed into my Disney Experience and thought I noticed something different. And I did. There are 2 new words..... "And tickets" I was pretty sure they weren't there before. Then I read a thread on easywdw where someone was showing online check-in awhile back. And sure enough, it didn't have the part about tickets. There isn't the option to add tickets yet, but it looks like its coming. When you click now, this is what you see. My guess is this is going to let you link tickets you already have to magic+ and FP+.
    1 point
  9. I will take a stab at translating what these questions really mean... Disney can't possibly allow bugs to intrude on my magical time, can they?!?! They'll be sorry if they do, because I promise I'll shorten my trip from 20 days to 19 if I find out there's an ant anywhere on property! I want to make sure my family badgers as many CMs as possible, so that we can collect up as much free crap as we can hoard/carry. We don't want to have to do a lot of walking though, so is it ok to keep asking the same ones over and over again? I need to ensure that my toddler will be surrounded by pixie dust
    1 point
  10. I was with you until you said squirrel. :rofl2:
    1 point
  11. I was there the 18th and 20th and will be there tomorrow too. We were also there the 8-11th camping with Jason. During most if not all of that week, BigTom was there too.
    1 point
  12. Being a sometimes single woman with some physical limitations, I would NEVER have gone camping alone. But with the Fiends I do it all the time. I know they're there to help me if I need it, they keep an eye on me, they oftentimes feed me (I hate cooking), they've become my shrinks, they're great marriage counselors, always there when you need them, they're entertaining, and they're simply kind and loving people. I'm closer to some of them than to members of my family. They ARE family to me! And I love them :heartsmiley:
    1 point
  13. Just for that Buddy is taking your card and chocolates back to the store!
    1 point
  14. No, not at WDW, at one of the very few places where they were stupid enough to build one because they thought it was a serious mode of transportation, Sydney Australia. You have to love this quote. "The Monorail, which was bought by the state government this year, will be closed and dismantled within a year." That Cherry Picker rescuing people really detracts from the "really cool looking monorail". Good thing it was just a power failure and not a situation where people had to get out immediately. http://www.smh.com.a...0924-26grh.html
    1 point

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