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Everything posted by lightbikes

  1. Does anyone know if they have run the fence along the back of 1500 loop yet?
  2. This makes me very sad. The Main Street Electric Parade has long been our favourite parade. And doubly sad because we can not get down again before October to see it. The end of an era.
  3. When in doubt about anything you see happening around WDW refer to Rule No 1: DISNEY ALWAYS WINS!!
  4. Well it made the news here: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/disney-alligator-boy-stone-wall-1.3710977
  5. Of course Disney ALWAYS wins - it doesn't matter what it is: And they win because of it's "too much effort" for them to care unless it costs them money. All I can offer is what we did the last time we spent Halloween at the Fort - which was a couple of years ago I have to admit - we turned off ALL our lights - pulled up the solar lights and made the site completely dark. There were only a couple of kids in the loop so we had handed out goodies earlier in the day WITH THEIR PARENTS PRESENT and whom we had been interacting with for several days. Sounds mean I'm sure
  6. Someone needs to link this over to that other pages going - you know the one where if money was no object at all !!!! *editing to add the Money to Burn one!!! - it's a prefect fit Who has that kind of money to drop on something like this?
  7. Wow 40 hours for only 48 - that's impressive !! That is completely the truth !!! But my other confession is that fortunately for both of us we have very few health issues that impact us driving long distances. And we do make sure that we do walk around lots when we stop to eat and/or gas up - oh and I have to say the best thing about driving though the States is the excellent and frequent rest stops and clean bathrooms.
  8. Ok - I have to acknowledge we are completely nuts - we will get into the van and drive straight through from Winnipeg to WDW stopping only for food and gas - two drivers, preferably three when we can get one of the kid to come with us - just around 2100 miles. But we each take turns going into the back and stretching out and sleeping etc. Occasionally we have split it into two days - stopping somewhere around St Louis if we have enough time before our reservation starts. But usually we have reservations start on Sunday and sometimes we just don't get away before late Friday night.
  9. Soaring, Soaring, Soaring - and maybe the new Norway ride - if you're a Frozen fan.
  10. Sorry - spilling my tea I'm laughing so hard - why would they ask for a waiver for an alligator feeder - they let children drive the da## golf carts!!! Love that expression - alligator feeder - brilliant!!!
  11. Me too - because I would be willing to bet that the "kablooey" was something that cost a mint!!!
  12. It's ok TCD your Trip Reports are so good they can handle the occasional hijack!!!! This one was great by the way.
  13. I agree about the way the costs at WDW keep going up but for the last few years we've been taking our DVC points and trading them into RCI - spent a month in Hawaii last year visiting four islands; did the airfare with Air Miles (don't know what the US equivalent is) and all our accommodation on DVC points. All we had to spend was our food and the car rental. Probably one of the least expensive trips we've ever had.
  14. I thought that WaWa started in Pennsylvania. Then I read some of the comments on this thread, and I wasn't sure. That sounded entirely credible to me. Then I read the Wikipedia article linked below. Well I guess I have to give it to Wikipedia - but I have to say the Town of Wawa goes back to the late 1800's - and if you go through there stop and see the goose - it's right on the TransCanada Highway - it's one of those roadside "must-sees". http://www.thewawagoose.com
  15. Wawa is a town in northern Ontario and it's the Ojibway name for the Canada Goose.
  16. And still it goes on - this was just on the news here http://globalnews.ca/news/2829025/disney-world-intern-rehired-after-posting-embarrassing-alligator-sign-to-twitter/?utm_source=Article&utm_medium=MostPopular&utm_campaign=2014
  17. I just looked at the cost today for US Dollars - based on the current exchange rate the $120 per night will be $155.62 Canadian !!!! Dear lord - for a tent site. Well we definitely won't be staying at Disney this year, if we even go down. Seriously horrible. ME TOO!!!! ME TOO!!!!!
  18. Which will totally destroy the view out our windows when we camp in 1511 to watch the deer along the opposite bank!!!!! Which likely means the Christmas price of a tent site will zoom past the $120 mark of this year to what - maybe $145 or higher? Sure does put our plans on the back burner
  19. Wow, that's a lot of water to fence in if they do every loop !
  20. We really like this Publix store - it has some of the best prices we've found around the area. The veggie selection is well priced and their meat selection is really very good. Plus they have a pretty decent liquor store next door which is owned and operated by Publix so the prices are matched to everyone else around.
  21. Wow, that must have been fun back in the early days! Were you on the Magic or the Wonder? It was great fun - we were on the Magic - it was really neat at Castaway Cay because they had just installed the steel domes that were supposed to eventually become nurseries for fish and the start of "coral" reefs - we often wondered if those had worked out the way they intended?
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