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It's The End of the World as We Know It-The TCD Gang's Last Fort Trip (BC)

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Yes, TCD and I met in person right in line for TSM!! It was a highlight of my trip!!! I am not kidding, it truly was!!! Four weeks prior to that trip, I had been a healthy "normal" 44 year old lady. I

This thread is a weird combination of a Hallmark channel movie and a tissue commercial. I'm going to go watch monster trucks or something. Then hug my kids and forbid them to grow up.

Do my eyes deceive me? Did I actually make page 1 on a TCD report??

I figured those rumors were false.


I also figured that they'd be dispelled quickly and with actual proof here as we're very fortunate to have so many "Fiends on the Scene" at the Fort to get us the straight skinny.



Thanks TCD, for proving my figuring right (for a change), and with photographic proof to boot!  :)

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I think I started reading this back in the beginning, and have only now had time to try and read more of it.  Holy epic TR!  I'm only about half way through it, and enjoying it very much.  I am with those who expressed their gratitude to you for taking the time to do these.  I've been to the Fort many times and have another in the hopper before we move up North, but no time to write.  How about I send you my photos and you can compose some witty prose to go with them?


Then I have to get through the dozen or so others that have been started since I last visited.  You people are on fire!


My remarks at about the half way mark:


Love confederate jasmine.  We had some in our first home, but my husband had it growing on a trellis right by the front door and we kept getting bees in the house so we moved it by the mailbox and it never came back.  Too many dogs liked the same spot.  Or maybe it was the mailman.  Who knows.


I noticed the rock you had behind your site when I was there last.  We had the site right next to that one once, however I didn't notice the rock.  I also didn't care for being backed up to the cart path.  We too were in a pop-up and I found it intrusive.  To each his own, I guess.  Just be careful if you're ever over there again, someone might want to make off with the famous TCD's swim trunks that were left drying on your clothesline and that is very easy access!


I saw that same little gator in the water by the group camping area a week after you did!  Made me wonder where it's momma was?


You must watch the American Pie movies.  They're so bad but so funny.  


Love all of the Fort  photos, the early morning shots that I would never get in particular.  That spot on the lake will probably always remind everyone of you any time we happen to be over there.  The sunset ones were pretty too……even with your daughter's photo bomb! 


When we were there the week following your last campout, I too visited the RC area but got yelled at by a CM.  My son and I drove the cart around there, we didn't stop or anything, just went around the circle near the bathrooms and back out toward Trail's End.  He chased me down, stopping me like a FHP officer near the playground to let me know that area was closed.  Even though my son was with me and I should have set an example with a simple "yes, sir", I couldn't help think of all the dumb things I have read about on here that CM's do and IM's make them do.  So instead, I said, "OK, but maybe you should put a gate there or a sign that says that".  Because there was no indication that area was closed, and if there had been I wouldn't have trespassed.  At least not with one of my kids in tow.  The gate that is there was wide open.  After that I promptly went back to my site and moved my car so one tire was off the pavement.


I concur with Devores' remarks about some of the sites.  I don't mind the occasional enthusiastic football fan or dog lover.  I go to the Fort once a year only to see the holiday decorations, and expect to see a lot on some sites.  But on a regular weekend in May, I don't want to see a bunch of tents that I saw on my visit in December, still there, covered in pine needles with a bunch of ugly Rubbermaid totes storing who knows what.  And, it ticks me off that they have looked the other way regarding where tents can be placed and how many guests can stay on a site.  It's not a $35/night KOA.  We pay for better than that.


Gonna try and read the rest now.  My son is having a sleepover and it's going to be a long night!

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RC was my first water park! Sadly, much of my family is boycotting the Fort because RC is closed. Have you ever been kicked out of the RC area? Because when I tried to show it to Jason, we were. It was the day after I had gone with my dad and snapped the pictures.


Love more bonus!


And long live REM!

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it's one of those songs that spontaneously pop into my head.


Your pics from around RC make me want to be at the Fort waiting to eat at TE.


That song spontaneously popped into my head when I was thinking of a title for this report.  I thought it was clever using the end of the "world" reference too.


I was just at the Fort 11 days ago eating fried chicken on the Trail's End porch, but I could go for some chicken now too.



The rumors give the bored folks on FB and other boards something to talk about for a few days.  Here, they are dispelled pretty quickly. 


True.  I guess rumors is all that some of the experts on other sites can talk about since they rarely actually visit the Fort.


Even though it looks horrible, I still like seeing the pics of RC.


I think because I can still visualize how awesome it was.


But since I can visualize how awesome it used to be, the current condition p***** me off a bit.


I'm so confused.


At least the rumor was proven false.


I know exactly how you feel.


For those that don't know, after River Country closed, the entire area was fenced off and off limits.  Then, in about 2008 or so, they opened up the entry area and used it as a waiting area for the Backyard Barbecue.  When they first did that, I was shocked and saddened by how deteriorated the areas behind the green fences were.  At one point, I held out hope that the stuff there was not too far gone to clean up and put back in use.  But, it's pretty clear now that is not possible.  At this point, I would be happier if they would just get it over with and rip everything out of there and let that beautiful spot return to nature.



In just this one case, I am glad that I never went to RC.  So that I can't be upset about it being closed.... I think it's a waste of space BUT as long as there is no construction then no bad things near the Fort


I feel differently about this.  I am very glad that I got to visit River Country with all of my girls when they were small.  It was a great place, and we all have fond memories that we will always hold on to.


If and when the area is ever developed, it doesn't necessarily have to be a negative for the Fort.  The plans that have apparently been scrapped were awful, but if the project were scaled down and did not take away current Fort open space, it could be a great addition.


I'm so happy to hear the rumor is false!  Thank you, TCD!


River Country was awesome.  I'm so glad we got to experience it.  Back then it was really something special.  It was the first water park we ever took our kids to.  But by today's water park standards, few would be impressed.  


River Country was also the first water park my girls got to visit.  I agree with you- it was something special.  I also agree that by today's over the top standards, people might not be impressed.  But, we definitely would still be visiting it if it were still open.  A small, quaint, waterpark would be a fun place to visit, if the price were right. That's the problem, though- the beancounters would never tolerate such a place.


Interesting observation on the new look fountain. Kind of an unusual placement as I bet there are more high volume potential locales. But, as usual, I'm just glad to see any improvements at the fort. Great pics sir.


Yes, it's strange that they replaced that water fountain.  I guess it wasn't a big expense, and the folks who walk back to the Backyard Barbecue use it.  I used to always stop and take a drink from the old one.  The water was refrigerated and filtered, and it was good.  For a while, I guess they stopped changing the filters and it tasted like the swamp water that passes as potable in these parts.  I didn't take a swig from the new fountain.  I will the next time I'm there though.



i am one that misses River Country.  I think the great appeal to me was that everything River Country had could have been back in Pennsylvania where I lived.   yeah it was in Disney World, but the rock slides weren't seven stories tall,  the tires and swings were just like those found on the creeks and rivers back home,  so it all seemed possible.   The new parks with their huge drops and waves and all of that just doesn't translate into my life like River Country did.   It was all believable and possible.


I understand what you're saying, and agree with you.  River Country was beautiful, and the theming was perfect.  You're right- it was believable-like you were really at some old time swimming hole.  The over the top stuff at Typhone Lagone and Blizzard Beach, while good for a day of exsightment, is not believable.


But I feel fine!


Very good!


You are also quick and witty.


I like how their version of fixing the owl enclosure is to move two plants in front of it.


That's my kind of fixing.


Me too!


Git 'er done!



I figured those rumors were false.


I also figured that they'd be dispelled quickly and with actual proof here as we're very fortunate to have so many "Fiends on the Scene" at the Fort to get us the straight skinny.



Thanks TCD, for proving my figuring right (for a change), and with photographic proof to boot!  :)


No problem.  I also didn't believe those rumors, especially since I had just been there at the end of May, and also since there were no permits pulled for any kind of major demolition work.  But, I had to go and see for myself.



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I think I started reading this back in the beginning, and have only now had time to try and read more of it.  Holy epic TR!  I'm only about half way through it, and enjoying it very much.  I am with those who expressed their gratitude to you for taking the time to do these.  I've been to the Fort many times and have another in the hopper before we move up North, but no time to write.  How about I send you my photos and you can compose some witty prose to go with them?


Then I have to get through the dozen or so others that have been started since I last visited.  You people are on fire!


My remarks at about the half way mark:


Love confederate jasmine.  We had some in our first home, but my husband had it growing on a trellis right by the front door and we kept getting bees in the house so we moved it by the mailbox and it never came back.  Too many dogs liked the same spot.  Or maybe it was the mailman.  Who knows.


I noticed the rock you had behind your site when I was there last.  We had the site right next to that one once, however I didn't notice the rock.  I also didn't care for being backed up to the cart path.  We too were in a pop-up and I found it intrusive.  To each his own, I guess.  Just be careful if you're ever over there again, someone might want to make off with the famous TCD's swim trunks that were left drying on your clothesline and that is very easy access!


I saw that same little gator in the water by the group camping area a week after you did!  Made me wonder where it's momma was?


You must watch the American Pie movies.  They're so bad but so funny.  


Love all of the Fort  photos, the early morning shots that I would never get in particular.  That spot on the lake will probably always remind everyone of you any time we happen to be over there.  The sunset ones were pretty too……even with your daughter's photo bomb! 


When we were there the week following your last campout, I too visited the RC area but got yelled at by a CM.  My son and I drove the cart around there, we didn't stop or anything, just went around the circle near the bathrooms and back out toward Trail's End.  He chased me down, stopping me like a FHP officer near the playground to let me know that area was closed.  Even though my son was with me and I should have set an example with a simple "yes, sir", I couldn't help think of all the dumb things I have read about on here that CM's do and IM's make them do.  So instead, I said, "OK, but maybe you should put a gate there or a sign that says that".  Because there was no indication that area was closed, and if there had been I wouldn't have trespassed.  At least not with one of my kids in tow.  The gate that is there was wide open.  After that I promptly went back to my site and moved my car so one tire was off the pavement.


I concur with Devores' remarks about some of the sites.  I don't mind the occasional enthusiastic football fan or dog lover.  I go to the Fort once a year only to see the holiday decorations, and expect to see a lot on some sites.  But on a regular weekend in May, I don't want to see a bunch of tents that I saw on my visit in December, still there, covered in pine needles with a bunch of ugly Rubbermaid totes storing who knows what.  And, it ticks me off that they have looked the other way regarding where tents can be placed and how many guests can stay on a site.  It's not a $35/night KOA.  We pay for better than that.


Gonna try and read the rest now.  My son is having a sleepover and it's going to be a long night!


Thanks for such a thoughtful post, Cyndee!  I'm glad to know that you're still following along with the Fiends, even though you are about to head back to Yankee land.


It's funny for me to hear how people get chased out of River Country.  I never have been.  In fact, I've had in depth conversations with castmembers whom I have run into back there.  To be clear, I'm talking about the area that is open and used for the Backyard BBQ.   As you noted, it's wide open, and there are no signs telling guests to keep out of that area. There is a female castmember who works on the landscaping.  I had a nice conversation with her about some of the plant life that is still growing in the area from back in the RC days.  Another time, I had a great conversation with Brown Paint Guy when he was painting the picnic tables in the old RC pavilion with his brown paint.  And, almost every time I've been in that area, I've run into a marina or fishing guide CM.  They park in the employee lot right behind the old slides.


I LOL'd about how you moved your car so a tire was off the pavement.  You get 'em!


For the record, I've never seen an American Pie movie.  Or any other movie of that genre.  Mrs. TCD runs a tight ship, and has always been very vocal about our family not watching crass things on TV or movies.  Garbage in garbage out, you know?  She wants us to keep it classy. So, if you saw some reference to that movie, it must have been inadvertent. 


I hope even after you move that you stick around here and post once in a while.



RC was my first water park! Sadly, much of my family is boycotting the Fort because RC is closed. Have you ever been kicked out of the RC area? Because when I tried to show it to Jason, we were. It was the day after I had gone with my dad and snapped the pictures.


Love more bonus!


And long live REM!


River Country was also my first water park, although I didn't visit it until I was an adult and brought my oldest daughter there.  I don't think there was such a thing as a waterpark in NJ when I was growing up.  We just swam in the filthy lakes.  The one nearest to where I lived was called Crystal Lake, if I am remembering correctly.  Whoever named that lake was a big fat liar.  But I understand why he did it-Muddy Brown Water Lake doesn't have the same ring.


See my comments above about whether I've ever been chased out of River Country. For some reason, CM's just don't seem to want to bother me.  I guess I am intimidating to them, what with all the tats and piercings.


Is REM still a band?



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Thanks for such a thoughtful post, Cyndee!  I'm glad to know that you're still following along with the Fiends, even though you are about to head back to Yankee land.


It's funny for me to hear how people get chased out of River Country.  I never have been.  In fact, I've had in depth conversations with castmembers whom I have run into back there.  To be clear, I'm talking about the area that is open and used for the Backyard BBQ.   As you noted, it's wide open, and there are no signs telling guests to keep out of that area. There is a female castmember who works on the landscaping.  I had a nice conversation with her about some of the plant life that is still growing in the area from back in the RC days.  Another time, I had a great conversation with Brown Paint Guy when he was painting the picnic tables in the old RC pavilion with his brown paint.  And, almost every time I've been in that area, I've run into a marina or fishing guide CM.  They park in the employee lot right behind the old slides.


I LOL'd about how you moved your car so a tire was off the pavement.  You get 'em!


For the record, I've never seen an American Pie movie.  Or any other movie of that genre.  Mrs. TCD runs a tight ship, and has always been very vocal about our family not watching crass things on TV or movies.  Garbage in garbage out, you know?  She wants us to keep it classy. So, if you saw some reference to that movie, it must have been inadvertent. 


I hope even after you move that you stick around here and post once in a while.




River Country was also my first water park, although I didn't visit it until I was an adult and brought my oldest daughter there.  I don't think there was such a thing as a waterpark in NJ when I was growing up.  We just swam in the filthy lakes.  The one nearest to where I lived was called Crystal Lake, if I am remembering correctly.  Whoever named that lake was a big fat liar.  But I understand why he did it-Muddy Brown Water Lake doesn't have the same ring.


See my comments above about whether I've ever been chased out of River Country. For some reason, CM's just don't seem to want to bother me.  I guess I am intimidating to them, what with all the tats and piercings.


Is REM still a band?




My absence around here is purely due to life stuff…..nothing more.  If I see something on here I don't like or agree with I just stop reading that particular thread.  There is plenty of content to read for just about anyone's preference, and this continues to be my go-to source for tips and info when planning my WDW trips.  Even for finding out info on my new state!  In the evenings I sometimes pop on to check in but don't post a lot.  I'm so behind!  I will try to drop by when I can in between all of the moving and transitioning to PA.


Speaking of behind, instead of finishing this, I "report-hopped" and browsed some of the others that I've missed.  So, I'll be back to finish later.


I did read the last page, and FWIW, I too only think of REM when I read the title of this thread and the ear worm is there for hours afterward!


I know I should ask this on the Technical thread…..but since I am here, anyone know how I can get notification that someone has quoted me, messaged or asked a question of me?  Ever since the switch I haven't been getting those emails, even though my settings are set up to notify me of each of those actions.

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My absence around here is purely due to life stuff…..nothing more.  If I see something on here I don't like or agree with I just stop reading that particular thread.  There is plenty of content to read for just about anyone's preference, and this continues to be my go-to source for tips and info when planning my WDW trips.  Even for finding out info on my new state!  In the evenings I sometimes pop on to check in but don't post a lot.  I'm so behind!  I will try to drop by when I can in between all of the moving and transitioning to PA.


Speaking of behind, instead of finishing this, I "report-hopped" and browsed some of the others that I've missed.  So, I'll be back to finish later.


I did read the last page, and FWIW, I too only think of REM when I read the title of this thread and the ear worm is there for hours afterward!


I know I should ask this on the Technical thread…..but since I am here, anyone know how I can get notification that someone has quoted me, messaged or asked a question of me?  Ever since the switch I haven't been getting those emails, even though my settings are set up to notify me of each of those actions.


Yes, I know you've got a lot of changes going on in your life.  So, I understand that you can only pop in now and then.  As I said, I'm glad that you popped in on this report.


I can't help you with your technical question, but hopefully there is somebody reading along who can.



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Well, I never thought we would get here, but we have.


The end of the bonus photos.


We left off with my quick visit to River Country.


After that, walked back to the Trail's End porch.


The bushes next to the porch could still use a trim:




I took one more shot of the crepe myrtles because I like them:




Twin #1 was there saving out table.  She was busy social networking, so she didn't care that I had left for a bit.  I asked her if the pager had gone off, and it hadn't.  So, I sat and waited a bit.  It turns out that we didn't need to worry about saving a table.  We were the only ones on the porch:




I took that photo at 6:21 pm on July 1.  This was the beginning of 4th of July week.  Where was everyone?


The beeper went off, and I fetched our meal.


No sooner had I sat down than the heavens opened and it commenced to rain again:






That rain kept everyone away for the duration of our meal.


We did the best we could, but ended up with a ton of leftovers.


Too bad there were no Fiends around, as I would have passed the chicken on.  There was no way I would throw it away, so that meant we needed to journey to our car so I could stow the leftovers.


That brought us to the Settlement bus stop, where we were entertained by not one, but two geniuses who drove their cars right through the bus lanes to try to pick up guests.  There was a ranger there on his trusty golf cart, and he made sure to chase these scofflaws away:






I saw something here that I hadn't in a while- a bus running a combined purple and orange route:




Maybe they do this every evening, but I haven't seen that in years.


From here, we stowed our chicken.


And couldn't help but notice that the rain had not stopped.


That put a damper (pun intended) on our evening plans.


One thing we wanted to do for sure was to see the special 4th of July fireworks, which were being shown for the first time tonight, and throughout the week.  Usually, they are only shown on July 3 and 4.  But, tonight, and through the 7th of July, they would be shown nightly as a Limited Time Magic treat.


Walking around a crowded park in the rain didn't sound like fun.  That's what we had done before dinner.


So, we chose to revisit our new hang-out at the Lodge.  Somebody was in the spot we had last time, so we had to find another place.  Not a problem.  This was our view:




We chilled there for a while.


A little after 8, I suggested that we make a move.  Maybe we could catch the Main Street Electrical Parade and the castle show before the fireworks.  Or take in a ride or two.


So we headed to the MK.


We were surprised to find the curbs of Main Street packed wall to wall with guests waiting for the parade.  And they weren't ordinary guests.  They were young Brazilians.  Hundreds of them.  On both sides of the street.  And they were chanting like they do.  And those special CM's were in the street egging them on.  Hey, no offense to any Brazilians reading along, but this is America, and we were there to enjoy the 4th of July fireworks.  Have some respect.


We couldn't be around the Brazilians.  No offense.  I'm sure they're nice kids.  But goodness they are loud!


Remember how we had to skip the Mermaid ride earlier?  We decided to head back there.  The posted wait time was 20 minutes, but we could see that there was no one in the outside part of the queue.  So we went for it.  We walked, non-stop, all the way through the entire queue and right into our clamshell.  There was no wait at all- just the length of time it took to walk through that rather long queue.


I didn't need any more mermaid photos, so I don't have any.


After that, we still had time to kill before we needed to find a spot for the fireworks.  So we took advantage of the open gate, and headed back to Storybook Circus.  Here is a Casey Jr. Splash Zone at night photo:




I'm glad this did not exist when my kids were younger.  It would have been horrible.  The old Little Mermaid splash area was bad enough.  This would have been so much worse.


We hung around back here for a while enjoying the lack of Brazilians, and then decided that we had better go and find us a fireworks spot.


We wanted to be somewhere in front of the castle, but not in the mob in the hub.  On a previous visit, we had noticed the little paths in the rose garden area in the front and to the Tommorowland side of the castle.  We thought that might be a decent spot to watch fireworks on a crowded night.  So we headed there.


We ended up on one of the paths, and found a spot right along a fence with this view:




That was a bit off center, but we were able to stand right along the fence, which meant no iPad guys or parents with kids on their shoulders could step in front of us at the last minute.  That always happens on Main Street.  So we decided to say put.


We couldn't really enjoy the MSEP from here, but we could see and hear it:




Check out the red, white and blue lighting effect on the castle:




I myself was posting a few photos on Instagram for the TCD DD's who could not be with us, and here's the same shot with the old phone camera:




For some reason, the castle show was cancelled.


The rain had let up a bit, but it was kind of drizzling.  Maybe they don't show it when it's raining?


The fireworks were supposed to start at 10, and a light rain started right before that.  I worried for a brief while that the 4th of July show would be cancelled as well.


But then it started.


Photos cannot do this show justice, but here's a few:












I used the phone camera to take shots of the finale, and here's what I got:






As I said, photos cannot do this show justice.


The 4th of July fireworks are my favorite.  I like them better than the shows they do for the special parties and New Year's Eve.


Our spot ended up being great, and we will be back there again I'm sure.


The park was going to be open for a couple of more hours, but it was raining for real now, and we decided to bail.


So did everyone else.


Here's how things looked on Main Street.  I thought that they would have opened up that auxiliary exit on a night like this, but they didn't.  We had to shuffle out with the rest of our friends:




From here, we headed to the car, and on to the west and home.  It rained the whole way.  So, our decision to leave when we did proved wise.


That's it for the July 1 bonus material.


And that should be the end of this seemingly interminable report.


But, you know what?


I've got a few photos to share from the TCD gang's actual 4th of July gathering which will explain why July 1 was the only day we could hit the MK to see the calliope.


I might as well share those too.


If you are one of the few still reading along, don't get too excited- I don't have many.  Just enough for one more post.  Then we will be done.



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We were at the Poly having dinner at Captain Cooks, (plus Dole Whip) and then watching the fireworks from the beach the same time you were GAGing, going to the WL, and fighting the insane crowds at MK.


Very nice evening. :)


Until this trip, the only places I have watched the 4th of July fireworks have been from the beach at the Polynesian or at the Fort.  This was the first time we have watched the 4th of July fireworks from inside the MK.


I loved seeing them up close.


But, truth be told, the view from the Polynesian, with the EWP boats playing the soundtrack and displaying the flags, is still the best.


We've watched the fireworks from that area before and I also like how you can get a spot on the rail and not have some foolish clown step in front of you. 


Yup.  Even though we had a side view, it would have been awful in the hub and up and down Main Street.


Some day I really need to see those July 4th fireworks.


Yes you do.


Jason must not look as mean as you, or does he look meaner, so that's why they kicked him out of RC? IDK


Some day I will see those fireworks!


I think CM's leave me alone because I'm an old man.  They obviously love to boss women around, and probably younger guys too.  They must figure I'm harmless.


You do need to see those fireworks one day.  July 4th at the Fort is hard to beat.


why do i get the feeling that TCD doesn't want this particular TR to reach "The end of the World as we know it"


Good observation.  I kind of have dragged this one out. 


But, look for my final post, coming later today for news about how I've handled all the change.


we will need a a/c bubble for that to happen


No you don't.  It was cooler on July 1st than it was on May 24th when you were all sweating it out at the 24 hour Disney Day.  You've experienced what it's like at the worst.  It doesn't get much hotter than that day you all were there.


It's not worth having to put up with everything else just for the fireworks.


I respectfully disagree.


Despite being gypped on the calliope and having to endure a wet butt and crowds all day, it was all worth it just to see those fireworks.


um... I spent 24 hours in the Magic Kingdom with these 2...





Still reading.


Good job.


Looks like you just have to read one more update, and you made it!



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Oh, FYI on the 1st, they DID NOT have the EWP in front of the Poly for the fireworks. Maybe for the 4th they did, but not for the 1st.

I wondered about that.

The fireworks on the 1st and 2nd were at 10 pm. They probably chose to have the EWP perform its regular shows on those dates, which would not have left enough time for the boats to be in place for the fireworks.


I'm glad you told me that.  Now I'm glad I was in the MK for them.



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