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Everything posted by Memphis

  1. Was this taken from a rental boat in Seven Seas Lagoon?
  2. Lets hope they are not going to put it on top of Spaceship Earth.
  3. Wow so the MBs will be up and working.......never...... at least for anyone over 30...maybe my grand kids will get some use out of them.
  4. That CM is wearing the exact same type of leather palm gloves I used to wear to splice wire rope! I hope they just look like the same because I sure would not eat out of the ones we used.
  5. I can't think of any attraction worth a 90 min. wait. Living close by and having APs I have to really want to ride something to wait even 30 mins. Been there too many times seeing almost every ride at one time or another being a walk on. But I guess when we move back to Tennessee I will have to learn to tolerate longer lines. I wish I could remember more of the comments we have heard. I here the same comment as TCD a lot at RNR. It's a great ride but at less than 90 seconds for the actual ride a lot of guess get off and say we waited all that time for that. I have been asked where
  6. There are some by the playground also. The 2 they took off they took to the backyard BBQ area. There are still 2 picnic tables on the porch, there was 4.
  7. They are going to put it in front of Settlement Trading Post to replace the covered wagon.
  8. The MBs are still in the testing stage so they are offering new MBs for every new resi. Maybe by next fall when ya'll come back the MBs will work at the campground. Right now it is hit or miss (mostly miss) They will give you a card to use on the CS and front gate. The way the gate is set up now it's much easier to use a card or hold a MB (when they work) up to the reader. You can check your MDE and look at your MBs on file and make sure they are still active. They will be unless you deactivated them in which case you can simply reactivate them to use on all your trips. But who knows ho
  9. Are the "Partners in a box" to protect them from the other construction? If not what are they doing in there? The Uptown Jewelers scrim looks a lot better now. Not great but that plain brown see through wrap was just awful.
  10. We were there and saw the them using a huge fork lift to remove the 2 picnic tables last Saturday. I wonder if BPG was heading that crew? a whole week to remove two tables and bring 11 rocking chairs back. ... Things sure work on a strange schedule at the Fort.
  11. I read on a FB page that the high top tables have been removed and the Rocking Chairs are back as of today!
  12. That's the way it has worked for us a set with every resi. plus passholder MB Blue, red, yellow, green, pink, grey, and orange If you wear a red and a blue does that count as purple?
  13. What's with the 2011 Date in that picture.... OK never mind I see it now ..It's Tom Brady's 2011 Pic That's the fastest 28.7 MPH I have ever experienced... Oh wait it said depending on weight .... any rocket I am in must be the fastest on record. And why is 26 only about 1/2 of 52... is that common core math?
  14. It's like they know nothing will compare to the gingerbread house at the GF so they don't even try.
  15. ^That's my thought.^ Truck for a trip or two or cart for every day...easy, cart wins
  16. I guess that's how they are paying for all the sets they are giving away. They gave us another set at the fort last weekend and we had to take them. They would not let us give them back and on top of that they told us they won't work anything at the resort.
  17. The real story is the mans wife caught him out on the deck with a another woman and she knocked him overboard. At least that is the story his wife told me. And I believe her. Wave has no reason to lie.
  18. I don't get all the Avatar hate. I think its a great movie. I have to wonder if some of yall really watched the whole movie. With world wide sales of 2.8 Billion dollar I can't be the only one. I have never seen the movie in 3D but I can see where it would be a great 3D movie. If Disney can pull off a believable Avatar land I think everyone will be in awe.
  19. Wow their Monorail looks more like a subway car inside only clean.
  20. Looks like they are in the process of hanging it. You can see the guy on the right side holding a corner. But it looks like that is all there is to it. Bad show http://www.wdwmagic.com/shopping/uptown-jewelers/gallery/12jan2015-uptown-jewelers-refurbishment/23016.htm
  21. There is a whole room full of these kind of games at Disney Quest. I never saw anyone actually playing them.
  22. Besides that the other Christmas decorations go up weeks before the Tree. Nice of them to leave the castle lit up form the workers while they work...... Wonder if there is any whistling going on.
  23. That's a neat video. I always thought the father was too mechanical in his movements. But after seeing the actor it's not the machines fault the actor moved like he thought a robot would. As much trouble as they have with that ride they must still be using the same computers instead of just putting it all on a smartphone app. I still really like the attraction and ride it every trip that it is working.
  24. I'm in. Your off to a great start....well on the report at least.
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