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Everything posted by mouseketab.....Carol

  1. They didn't used to. That's new then. Cause I know folks used to fly in days ahead of time, do stuff in Orlando, drop the rental car at MCO, then DME to Disney for their time there, or spend the night at the MCO hotel, and DME the next morning. I also know a few folks that would give a different flight (with carryon only) to increase or reduce their scheduled pickup time. I personally have flown into Orlando for work, then turned my rental car into MCO from the work trip and hopped on DME to start a Disney reservation. Maybe phantom flight number is the wrong word. Give an actua
  2. OK, I just figured out how to pay much "less" for your parking if you are driving into Disney, and it will work for any resort. PLUS, it will give you the pleasure of costing Disney money, instead of giving it to them. When you book your Disney reservation, book DME, and give them phantom airlines and flight numbers for your departure and arrival. Google MCO parking and find the cheapest parking deal you can find. I've seen as little as $3.99 a day. Drive to that parking place instead of Disney, and have them drop you at MCO, then go board DME to go to your resort. At the end of your trip, boa
  3. If I remember correctly, there was a MKC rate for rooms, ticket discounts, and a few other things.
  4. I think they mentioned when they started "season" pricing on the tickets, they were blatantly saying they wanted the Disney experience to be special. They wanted to make it expensive enough that the parks were not quite so full. We complain about the prices, and we complain about the crowds. Can you imagine how full the parks and resorts would be if they did not raise the prices like they have been? However, it still stinks
  5. I haven't stepped foot in a Disney water park in 10 years, so not happenin. (I even have one or two old "Pluses" from previous tickets to use up too).
  6. Also, is it per vehicle, or per room. At the Fort, that could "technically" garner them an additional $190 a night if you have a group of individuals all driving in from different directions......
  7. Sooooo, if I book for 499 days out before March 21st, does that mean no parking fee for that stay?
  8. So how does this affect the Fort? Does a motorhome sitting at your site require a parking fee? Do you get a double whammy with a toad? How about the tow vehicle at your site, or are only charged if you are in overflow? What about trailers and tow dollies in overflow?
  9. Oooh, I see a Rootbeer float on the menu, and they have fountain Coke, so that means I can get a Coke Float!!!
  10. Look's cool. However, every time I read a Disney News Blog article, I just want to pull out my editing pen!! (Passive voice, negative tone) SHOULD BE active voice, positive tone, present tense!! Here is how it SHOULD read. Our fleet has the most beautiful ships at sea, and the three newest vessels setting sail in 2021, 2022 and 2023 are exceptional. This first, early rendering depicts the magnificent exterior of the next Disney ships, which elevates family cruise vacations to a whole new level. Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger revealed the rendering today at The Walt Disney Company
  11. Even though I always have plenty of room at my site, I also park the truck up front. (It was a Boy Scout rule to move the vehicles elsewhere when camping to unclutter the campsites, and to me it just makes everything nicer)
  12. When BOG first opened, it was fabulous, and actually pretty reasonable. My first visit there was around $100 for three people with 1 beer included. My second visit was just OK, and our third visit was no longer any good and a lot more expensive. Doubt I'll be back.
  13. With what all ya'll are doing, I'm wondering....... Should I add more protectors..... (Although I can touch all windows, doors of my unit just standing in one spot) (I do actually have a 2nd fire extinguisher in my kitchen which is outside.)
  14. I have never seen the need to use just a parking lot. There are plenty of reasonable RV parks along the interstate with nice pull throughs. Pulling in, plugging in the power cord, and off to the shower, is how I prefer to have my overnights.
  15. Wanna take a bet that it's almost the same show, except instead of tour guide stumbling in there, it is Russell and Dug stumbling in there and learning to be friends with the animals.
  16. One of the restroom buildings was already there. The only thing remaining standing from Camp Minnie Mickey
  17. Yes, she has been there for a long time. I know of her, but haven't met her personally. There are some in the Fort interwebz groups that really like her, there are some in the Fort interwebz group that really dislike her. Jason Adams is just as knowledgeable as anyone else, he participates and sponsors Fort Fiends. Simply, he is THE MAN!! (Please remove Hilda's phone number from you post, we don't want to be accused of allowing those that troll the interwebz and due harm to have her personal information).
  18. The Sea Raycers from the Contemporary are faster.
  19. Those lake patrol folks take their jobs very seriously. If you get even close to any place you are not supposed to, they are near you like really fast. No chance of doing something wrong out there.
  20. If they do build it there, it will mean extending the hours of the Epcot Monorail to MKs operating hours so that those staying at the Epcot hotel can get back there.
  21. Same here!!! I betcha it's been 2 years since I've had an Anna hug!!
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